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She ran. She fucking ran. I turn back and desperately try to free my foot from the branches. The androids are getting closer and closer. I try and try but my foot doesn't pull free. I yell for Keira, hoping she'll come back, but I know that my attempt is futile. The mob of androids are closing in fast. I finally manage to yank my foot free. I struggle to my feet and try to run, but my foot an ankle don't allow me too. I pull out my gun and begin shooting, but it's hopeless. There's hundreds of androids running at me and I only have 3 mags left. I view my surroundings in hope of a quick escape. The only thing I see is a fire escape staircase but it leads to a dead end. My foot is aching but my only choice is to take off running.

Pain shoots through my lower leg but I keep going. Once again the androids emit the same dreadful pitch, in which I assume is an attempt to knock me out. I run along the road looking for exit because I know I can't run for long. The only thing I see is a sewer gate. I use the last of my energy to sprint towards it. I squeeze through the rusted bars and run down the tunnel. I hear the creaking of the androids hitting the metal bars as I bolt down the underpass.


I keep running until I don't hear footsteps behind me. I pause and stand in silence for a few seconds to make sure the androids aren't still following me. Eventually I come to an intersection. The tunnel splits off into three directions. I choose to go left. The tunnel is dimly lit with orange sewer lights. Thankfully the smell of sewage isn't too strong. I limp along the edge of the tunnel, not sure where I'm going. I sit down on the edge to take a break. I pull the bandages out of my bag and wrap them around my ankle to stabilize it. *Its not much but it'll do for now*. I keep walking down the tunnel until I reach an opening. I remember it's a large area that was cleared out under the Light-rail for construction. Near the entrance to the room, there are large stacks of metal and plywood I assume were left here for construction work. There's an entrance door at the top of the opening, a tall, metal staircase leading up to it. I sit in one of the stacks of plywood and take a water out of my bag. I don't know what time it is, but I feel extremely tired. I decide to take a nap, savoring the small amount of time I have without worrying about androids.


I don't know how long I've slept but I feel at least a bit rested. My ankle is swollen and still hurts like hell but it feels better than earlier. At least I'm able to walk properly now. I walk around the large room, looking for any resources. I notice the entryway I came from has a gate. I pull down the sewer gate, blocking the tunnel. Now the only entrance to the opening is the tall, rickety staircase. I scan the room while pondering what to do next. I conclude the best course of action is to camp out for now. I take a couple planks of plywood and prop them up on each other. I use one of the tarps covering the construction supplies and drape it over my makeshift shelter. *Its not the prettiest, but it'll keep me warm* I think to myself. I sit inside the shelter and fish some snacks out of my bag. I remember the note in my pocket and pull it out. *Right, I need to go to that storage unit* I put the note back in my pocket and finish eating. I get up and walk towards the staircase. *These stairs could break at any moment*. I carefully creep up the stairs and push open the heavy, metal door at the top. The toxic smell of smoke hits me again. *Alright Nova Storage, here I come.*

Code: 213Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora