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I retrieve the paper from my pocket and begin walking in the direction of the storage unit. I keep aware of my surroundings in case the androids are still nearby. Most of the surroundings buildings have completely burned to the ground. The sky is a hazy grey, ash clouds blocking any light from the sun. I take out my phone to realize I don't have service. It's probably due to the cell phone towers in the area collapsing. I come to an intersection of three roads. The fastest route to Yesler Way is taking Harvey Boulevard. I take the street on the right and continue on my way towards the storage unit.


I finally get off Harvey Boulevard and onto Chazey Street. There isn't many more streets I have to pass until I make it to the storage unit. I keep walking down the road, lost in my thoughts. My mind keeps going back to what happened earlier.


I try to jump but my foot catches. I tumble to the ground. I try to free my foot but it's stuck in between two branches. "Keira, help!!" I yell. Keira looks at me, then at the horde of androids barreling towards us. And she runs.

*Flashback over*

Im still in disbelief. *She left me to die* I think to myself. Soon, anger takes over my emotions. *I gave her one of my guns and she fucking ran*. I shake myself out of my thoughts. On Chazey Street, most of the buildings are still standing. Most of the bus lines crossing over the street have snapped. Silence fills the street as the fires around burn out. Off in the distance, I hear the sound again. *Those androids are probably after someone else* I think. I keep walking for what seems like forever, but soon enough, the bright blue building comes into sight.


I walk from the sidewalk and cross through the parking lot. The building is made of a mix of Gallium and cement, so it didn't catch fire. Though, many  transmission towers had fallen onto it, causing the side of the building to cave in. I begin walking towards the entrance when a pair of beady red eyes come into view. *Goddammit, there's androids here* I think to myself. I quietly move out of the entry way and take out my gun. All of the sudden, the deafening siren sounds again. I turn to my left to see a mangled android rushing at me. I pull back the hammer and shoot, causing the android to drop. I hear loud footsteps approaching. The gunshot must have alerted the androids of my location. I quickly move inside the storage unit and shut the heavy concrete door behind me. I take a deep breath and pull the paper from my pocket.

16 : 837

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