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Blood begins seeping out of his ears. Alaric slowly crawls to his feet. His now ghostly features remind me of Keira's. I stand frozen in shock. Within the blink of an eye, Alaric is lunging at the girl with ginger hair. She tries to pull out a small handgun but Alaric knocks it from her hands. "Anastasia, do something!" She yells. I pull out my gun and try to shoot Alaric but my gun jams. I desperately try to unjam the gun but to no avail. "Anastasia!" She yells again. Alaric pulls his fist back and hits the girl in the stomach. Another guy with dirty blonde hair steps forward and shoots Alaric in the back of the head. The girl gets up, clutching her stomach. "Odelia, are you alright?" The guy says. She glares at me. "Yeah, thanks Leo". She replies. *Odelia and Leo* I note to myself. Leo comes up to me. "What was that?" He asks accusingly. "My gun jammed" I explain. He takes the gun from my hands and fiddles with it for a second. He hands it back to me. "It should work now" he says in a monotone voice. Cazius and another guy with locs drag Alaric's body outside. When they return the room falls silent. "We need to keep moving" Cazius says. All the people in the shelter begin collecting their bags. A girl with long black hair approaches me. "Hey" she says. "Hey" I reply solemnly. "My name is Emelisse" she says softly. "I'm Anastasia, I'm sure you already know that though" I say. "Yeah" she says chuckling lightly. "I noticed you had an SKO Shorty" she begins. "You can have these". She hands me two full mags. "Thanks" I say. " Your welcome" she replies smiling. "Uh, what happened to Alaric?" I ask her. Her smile fades away. "He turned" she says. "What does that mean?" I ask further. "The siren" she starts. "It turned him into a scouter". Before I have the chance to ask what a scouter is, Cazius walks up to us. "We're leaving in an hour" he states. "Why are we leaving so soon?" Emelisse asks. "In the time Alaric turned into a scouter he was able to alert androids of our whereabouts" he replies. With that he turns and walks out the door. "Hey, I think you should get some rest" Emelisse says. "You seem tired". "Yeah actually, I don't remember the last time I slept" I confess. "I'll wake you up when it's time to go". I walk over to the vacant couch in the corner of the room and lay down. I didn't even realize how tired I was until my head hit the cushion.

6:20 ??

Emelisse wakes me up by tapping my shoulder. I get up and stretch, seeing everyone sitting around the room in a circle. Emelisse points to the guy with locs. "That's King" she says. She then points to a guy next to him with short black hair. " That's Marcelo" she says. *Kujo and Marcelo* I mentally note to myself. "I think one of my friends turned into a scouter" I meant to say to Emelisse as a whisper but ended up saying louder that I thought. Everyone in the room turns to me. "And?" The guy I noted as King says. "She attacked me so I had to kill her" I finish my thought. "You're going to have to do that a lot, get over it" Odelia says. "Really Odelia?" Marcelo begins. "I know that must have been hard for you" Marcelo finishes. Odelia rolls her eyes and silence settle over the room. "We'll leave in ten minutes" Cazius says. "Make sure you have everything". Emelisse walks out the door and I follow close behind her.

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