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SOLLEL, Cira, Hakken, and Grath didn't know what to think about the two individuals blocking the path. The woman was too focused holding her staff with a red stone on top, while the man with a dagger was eyeing the flame sorcerer, ready to pounce. And just when they thought a deadly fight would break out, the female flame sorcerer turned around and started running away.

And the man with a dagger gave chase.

Cira's head tilted to the side in confusion. "Huh?"

Grath cupped his chin intelligently and said, "That's the most coward flame sorceress I have ever seen."

Hakken also had a confused expression. "What are they doing?"

The four who left the wagon to check what was happening sighed simultaneously as they watched how the two chased each other around the path—the woman running away from the man.

"I don't know! I don't know what you're talking about! Please! Leave me alone!" The female flame sorcerer was close to crying her heart out.

"How could you not know? You're a flame sorcerer, right? And you're carrying that powerful staff!" The man with a dagger shouted in frustration. "Stop running away!"

"Then stop chasing me and put that dagger away!"

The man with a dagger clicked his tongue and threw his dagger upward. When the dagger was in midair, instead of falling, it multiplied into ten daggers, and each dagger flew down to different directions.

The female flame sorcerer did not mind even if a dagger dropped in front of her; she just kept running. But in a blink of an eye, the man chasing was in front of her.

The flame sorceress immediately turned around and ran in a different direction, and the same thing happened. The man just appeared out of thin air in front of her. But the flame sorceress was a resilient woman. She didn't give up and continued running, only to be blocked by the man again.

"How is he doing that?" Cira asked in amazement while watching the chase.

"The daggers," Sollel answered after observing. "He's using the daggers to move from one place to another."

Cira's lips formed into an o. "Like teleportation?"

"In a way, yes," Sollel answered with a shrug. "It's actually an impressive ability but frustrating if he was your enemy."

Hakken clicked his tongue. "It's not that impressive."

Cira snickered at the bitterness of Hakken's voice. "Why so bitter, Hakken? Jealous, aren't we? Well, for one, he's more handsome than you, and he looked younger too."

Hakken snorted, and Sollel let out a soft chuckle, seeing how annoyed Hakken looked.

Their conversation stopped when they all saw the man with a dagger capture the sorceress at last. Everyone thought the man was going to hurt her, but the opposite happened. The man actually handed his dagger to the woman.

"Bless my dagger with your flame," the man demanded.

The sorceress, who tripped and landed butt first on the ground, glared at the man. "And I told you again and again, I can't do that!"

"Why not?! You're a flame sorcerer, aren't you? I want my dagger to be wrapped in flames like my warlord friend."

The sorceress eyes sharpened even more. "Are you dense? I told you I can't do it! If I can, I would have, but I really can't! Plus, I don't even know you. I was minding my own business, walking to Castetava when you just appeared and started chasing me!"

MISTRESS OF FLAMEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora