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HAKKEN LEFT for the city of Ager early in the morning before Sollel even woke up. As usual, he slept on the floor, while his lady slept on the bed. Her back was on him again, which Hakken preferred because he didn't know what would happen to him if she was facing him when he woke up.

It was one of the nights Hakken would never forget since he got to talk to his lady until they both fell asleep.

Standing outside Sarnau, Hakken looked at the sky, and when he saw a shadow flying in the clouds, he smiled and whistled. As the flying shadow descended, Hakken looked at the direction of the city of Ager and then at Sarnau before he sighed.

I'll see you again, my lady.

Meanwhile, inside Sarnau, Xeke looked for Cira everywhere when he didn't see her in the healer's house. But the elf he was looking for was in the forest beside Sarnau. Cira had been camping there before the dawn broke, wrapping her essence around the moonrite stone and analyzing the power it held.

After what happened in the noble's hill, Cira was more anxious to finish analyzing the moonrite stone. Her Highness may be powerful, but when facing a moonrite stone, she was weak...and Cira didn't want that. For Her Highness to save the other queens and do whatever she wanted, Cira had to find a solution to Queen Sollel's weakness.

I have to make haste. With that thought, Cira focused her attention on the stone floating in front of her. She didn't let her worry distract her and focused all her essence in analyzing the moonrite stone, as she was the only one who could. If only the whole elven race would help her. It would've been quicker.

Unbeknownst to Cira, who was focused on being useful to Queen Sollel, Xeke found her in the forest and was only staring at Cira and the transparent stone floating in front of her. Seeing that Cira was too open and unguarded against attacks, Xeke sat on a tree branch to guard her from anyone or anything.

Sitting on the tree branch, watching Cira, Xeke didn't know why he couldn't seem to ignore and abandon the elf who caught his eyes. He had traveled far and wide, he had met so many elven races, but still, he had no idea how this adorable petite elf captured his attention.

Xeke didn't even know what was happening to him anymore. He's used to traveling alone because he didn't like the inconvenience a companion might bring, but here he was, inconveniencing himself for the sake of one single "ungrateful" elf.

After worrying about her, she didn't even look at me. Xeke sighed and shook his head. He should stay away from her and leave her alone—that would be the best course of action. But even after forcing himself, he didn't want to move and leave the elf alone.

Xeke sighed and just leaned on the tree. I'll just watch over her for now.

While inside Sarnau, Sollel woke up to Zassia and Grath practicing again. Zassia still had a long way to go, but Grath was already close to awakening his essence without Sollel's help. Hakken was nowhere to be seen, so Sollel assumed that he already left for the city of Ager.

Sollel sighed and went around Sarnau. Wearing her cloak with her hood on, Sollel roamed around. There were no demi-humans on the street, but she saw a store where slaves were sold.

Demi-humans and halflings had always been the target of slavery. Sollel knew that burning the slavery den in Belrac meant nothing as a whole. Yes, they saved a few, but that was it. The main problem—which was slavery—was still rampant, and she had no time to hunt every slave trader in Azitera. And just like what Hakken said, after taking down a slave trader, another one would sprout and replace the ones they took down.

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