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CIRA'S PLAN was simple, but the process was a tad bit difficult. From the forest outside the city of Ager, Cira and Xeke traveled back to Sarnau. Without resting, the two easily reached Castetava. With Cira's agility and Xeke's dagger, speed was not a problem for them.

Cira and Xeke easily reached the barren lands and traversing the route back to Belrac.

"Cira, we have to stop and rest." Xeke finally speak up. "We've been traveling non-stop from Ager. You're pushing yourself too much. It's not good for you."

"No. I have to do this fast—" Cira stopped talking when she felt a liquid trickling down from her nose.

Touching the liquid to see what it was, Cira's head spins when she saw blood on the tip of her fingertips. "What...?"

Xeke quickly teleported to Cira's side when he saw her swaying. "Rest. We need to rest, or you'll get sick. Your nose is already bleeding, Cira." Xeke was too worried as he helped Cira balanced herself. "Please... don't worry me too much."

Cira hold onto Xeke's shoulder to balanced herself. "I'm fine. We have to reach Belrac tomorrow night and travel to Ashmire—"

"Cira, please..." Xeke was ready to kneel to beg Cira to reconsider when Cira's lost consciousness.

Xeke caught Cira effortlessly before looking for a safe place for them to rest in this barren land. After a few minutes of looking, he found a cave. Using his cloak as a blanket, he laid it on the ground before he carefully laid Cira on the blanket. And with a clean cloth from his leather bag, he tended Cira's nose that was still bleeding.

It was the first time for Xeke to care for someone so much that he actually felt scared at the thought that something bad might happen to Cira. He was frozen in place, worried and in fear just thinking of Cira getting hurt.

If only he could stop her from storming in without thought and pushing herself too much, he would have. But Cira was too focused on helping the Queen that she was risking her own health. And he could do nothing than support her and be with her.

Now he understood his father's words when he said that the descendants of Sappher were a strong race, but with obvious weakness. His father once said that when a descendant of Sappher fell in love, that was it. No way out. A Sappher's descendant will gave his everything – heart, body, mind, and soul.

It was also the reason why the Sapphers was a declining race. They only love once in their lifetime and that love will be carried to the next life and to the next, only seeking the same woman. Again, and again and again until the end of their time. And even after the woman was gone, their heart, body, mind, and soul remained loyal and faithful. Most descendant of Sapphers chose to not undergo rebirth when their wives dies.

They would rather perish, than to live a life without the love of their lives.

Just like his father.

His father chose death when his mother died.

Xeke looked down at Cira. "I might choose death than live a life without you." He whispered. "What am I going to do, Cira? I don't think I just like you."

Cira who was unconscious couldn't hear, nor answer. She couldn't hear the struggle and worry in Xeke's voice.

Xeke blows a loud breath before he stepped out of the cave to breathe and also to stand guard, to make sure that Cira was safe.

He stayed there for hours, until he heard Cira's voice, calling him.


Xeke immediately returned and handed Cira her water canteen.

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