Chapter 12: Kyogai

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"Let's find those demons and rescue anyone still alive inside."

"There's no way I'm going in there!"

"If anything bad happens out here, what's inside this box will protect you. Be safe, alright? We'll be back with your brother as soon as possible."

The three of us opened the large wooden door and stepped into the dark hallway of the mansion...


"Hey, Tanjiro? Are you sure that you and Y/N will be able to protect me? Along with anyone we find in this creepy house, of course." Zenitsu trembled as he slowly walked behind us.

I looked the my maroon-eyed friend as I slightly shrugged my shoulders. "I hate to tell you this Zenitsu, but in our last mission I broke my leg." Tanjiro sighed. "We both have broken ribs, and my ankle is sprained as well." I added on as Zenitsu face began to cloud with fear.

"W-What?! You mean the two of you have been injured this whole time?! Who am I kidding, we're gonna die! I'm a dead man for sure! I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die!"

"Zenitsu, quiet down! Who knows what could be hearing us right now! I promise that we'll all make it out of here safely!" I scolded as I whacked him on the head.

"Don't go making any promi-"

Zenitsu was cut off as the three of us heard the sounds of wood clomping on wood. I stood in a defensive stance as the two siblings came running to us.
"What are you two doing in here? I thought Tanjiro told you to stay outside where it's safer!" I addressed as they stopped to catch their breaths. "W-We're really sorry! But the box started moving and making weird sounds!" The little girl shuddered as Tanjiro knelt down to them. "I really wish you hadn't done that. That box is more important to me than my own-"

He was interrupted by a faint growling sound, and Zenitsu was about to scream. The orange-tipped boy bumped into Tanjiro and I as the room changed multiple times. Caught off guard with our new surroundings, we fell to the floor."What the-? Where did Zenitsu go?" I worried as Tanjiro helped me up.
"I don't know, but it seems like we were transferred into another room." Tanjiro guessed.

We heard faint sobs as the little sister was right beside us. "Shoichi!? Where are you?" She cried. "Hey, don't worry. We'll find them again, you'll be safe as long as you're with Y/N and I." Tanjiro comforted as he pat her head. "What's your name?" I asked. "I-It's Teruko." She murmured. "That's a beautiful name!" I smiled. "Yes, your parents gave you a wonderful-" Tanjiro was cut off once again by loud thumping coming from the nearby open door. Something big, huge, was approaching us.

A large demon with drums on its shoulders and stomach slowly walked into the doorframe. I covered Teruko's mouth to prevent her from screaming in fear, even though I myself was scared as well. Tanjiro placed my hand on my shoulder to assure me that it was going to be okay.

"Those idiots! Why did they have to get in my way, couldn't they have seen that was my prey?!" The demon muttered to himself, seemingly not knowing we were right in his eyesight.
They continued rambling as I assumed the demon was lost in his thoughts, which could give us the opportunity we need to take them out.
"Teruko, I'm going to remove my hand." I whispered to her. "Please try not to scream and very quietly find a place to hide behind in this room." She nodded in response and slowly crept behind a shelf in a nearby corner.

Tanjiro and I got up and drew our swords, preparing to attack the large obstacle in front of us. Charging forward, I thrust my blade to the neck of the demon, but was caught by surprise when he hit one of the drums on his body. In the impact of him striking the drum, the room began to spin.

This must've been the guy behind our separation with Zenitsu and Shoichi! Only this time he can rotate the rooms?!
I guess this is going to be a lot harder than I thought!

This must've been the guy behind our separation with Zenitsu and Shoichi! Only this time he can rotate the rooms?!I guess this is going to be a lot harder than I thought!

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(If demon...why so seggsy?🌝)


Teruko, Tanjiro and I began to fall whichever way the room was spinning. Tanjiro was able to protect Teruko from any tumbling debris, but the three of us all thumped onto the ground once it came to a stop.
Fairly dizzy from what just happened, I got to my knees and caught my breath for a moment, my sprained ankle throbbing with pain. But all of a sudden someone came charging through another door, broken wood clattering on the floor.

I met to see a shirtless man wearing a boar's head that covered his face. In his two hands he wielded serrated Nichirin swords.
This guy seems to be a demon slayer as well!
"Alright you bastard! Die on the battlefield so you can become my catalyst!" The man cackled as he charged toward the demon just like I did before. "Ready or not, here I come!"
But just like last time, with the rap of a drum, the room began to spin once more. I was tossing and turning since I still couldn't get up with my aching foot.

The spinning eventually came to a stop, as the boar-headed slayer from before landed near me. It seemed as if he was going to stomp his foot on the floor, but he ended up pounding his foot on my back. "The room started spinning! Now this is what I call a fun time!" He laughed as he was lost in his thoughts. Grunting under the pressure of his foot, I tried to get his attention, "Hey! You do realize that your stepping on me, correct?! Could you please remove your foot off my back?!" I requested, slightly angered.

The man didn't seem to hear me as he started cackling like a maniac, and I could see Tanjiro was getting aggravated. Quickly, he came over to us and grabbed the slayer by his ankle. "She said, get your dirty feet off of her!" My friend shouted as he pushed the dual slayer off me. The boar-headed man stared back as it seemed that he was getting angry with us.

"Who the hell are you two?!"

Hi guys! Sorry for the short chapter this time but there won't be a new chapter out next time because of my midterms the week of the 13th

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Hi guys! Sorry for the short chapter this time but there won't be a new chapter out next time because of my midterms the week of the 13th. I'm also taking a bit of a mental health break during that time as well, but I'll hopefully have a chapter or two out during my Christmas break the week after.
I might skip the fight in the chapters cuz I don't really remember this arc very well (and also I'm too lazy to rewatch it 🌝) and I wanna get more into the good stuff. Anyways, I thank y'all for your understanding and wish me luck on midterms!


Word Count: 1190 words

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