Chapter 15: Birthday Who?

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I'm studying in the library with Vic and Demilade when a message comes in and I freeze.

Year 12s had acquired the habit of sneaking their phones to school as barely undergraduates, and I had joined the bandwagon as my presence at school became more irregular.

After all, finals were upon us and most students stayed at home unless they had a paper.

Demilade and Victoria send me curious looks at the notification, I apologize and go behind a bookshelf so I can check the disturbance.

In all black I see the words, 'All the best, call me when you're done. :)'

I smile and begin to type I response when heat radiates onto my shoulder.

I jump away, clutching my chest, and let out a breath when I see it's just Demilade.

"Were you trying to give me a heart attack?" I whisper shout at him and he shakes his head, giving me a sheepish grin.

Did I mention that he had become the newest member of my two-woman friend group and gotten closer in the hours we spent bored at detention?

"Just wanted to see what you were up to," he says and I narrow my eyes at him.

I press the power button and begin to speak, we weren't that close. "You mean to say you're spying on me?" I ask.

His eyes widen and he shakes his head back and forth in quick succession. "No not like that. I'm tired of reading so I thought I'd join in on your little break."

I pat his cheek lightly in a maternal manner and nod my head. "Better. Come on, let's go disturb Victoria, there's not much we can do about Marketing anymore."

It was one of the few subjects we shared, as all candidates had to take one trade subject and our school made us go with marketing.

I wanted to do something like photography or hairdressing but due to 'insufficient funds' -which was ridiculous with the amount of school fees we were paying- it wasn't a feasible option.

He smacks my hand away and I stick my tongue at him as we go kill the remaining forty-five minutes left till exams.


We're all walking home past 5 pm, a mess of loose ties, unbuttoned collars, flying shirts, and awkwardly slung backpacks.

Demi only came to hang out with us -after all, he had been chauffeured around for the past six years till the abrupt halt two weeks ago

Victoria relished long walks, and I? Well, I just took any opportunity to bask in my scarce freedom from my overbearing mother.

"So Nims what are you doing for your birthday?" Demilade asks me, casually swinging a toned arm over my shoulder.

I adjust my neck so it feels less like a chokehold and walk in step with him.

Victoria interrupts me, answering instead. "So you still haven't told him," she says casting a glance between the two of us.

Her curls were pressed with sweat along the edge of her head and she looked more flushed than usual.

I open my mouth to counter but she huffs and looks away from us, in no mood for an argument this blazing afternoon.

"Ah, Nimi is this true," Demilade says with a fake gasp and round eyes for added drama.

I roll my eyes and adjust my left strap.

"Slow your roll thespian. I don't have any plans but I'm thinking of a slumber party with Victoria." I say.

"Yeah like we usually do. I'm telling this girl to go somewhere or have a party but no, she's maintaining her coconut head." Vic says.

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