Chapter 26: Carpool Accuse-oke

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She squints at the sunlight and uses her hand to block the harsh rays so she can see us clearly.

"Hi guys!" she says in her usual energetic tone as she rushes down the last steps.

I smile knowing it was her way of coping with the annual grief eating its way down her soul.

"The door..." I say pointing at the empty doorway but another voice cuts in.

"Don't worry, I got it." Demilade says rushing to close it.

I shrug and turn back to Victoria looking back sheepishly. "Oops." she says.

I rub her shoulder lightly. "It's okay, let's go." I say motioning to the Jeep parked a few metres from us.

"So your Dad just let you take one of his cars like that?" I ask Demilade, astonished at the nonchalance of the rich towards their precious possessions.

"More like forced. Always complaining that I use Uber more than my driver's license." he replies with an eyeroll.

"Wait o, what is that supposed to mean, you think I'm irresponsible." Demilade adds, looking far from insulted.

"Ahem!" Victoria calls out, pulling the car handle twice to get our attention.

"Duh." I say, sticking out my tongue before I run to meet the short lady impatiently tapping her heels.

Ordinary outing to Eko Hotel to chill.

Well not really -my mom had let me go on the impression that Funmi would chaperone us for the night stay.

He unlocks the car and we all inter the vehicle.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I check my notification.

Immediately I see the name Issie I smile and begin typing out a reply.

"Texting your lover boy again I see." Demilade remarks with a mixture of teasing and another emotion I wasn't quite sure of.

"Keep your eyes on the road, o boy." I say eyeing him with nonchalance. Of all the things that embarassed me teasing about a relationship topped the list.

Victoria snickers in the backseat.

"You guys bicker like an old married couple." she says after.

I fake a gag while he shakes his head.

"Don't mind her o, this girl owes me gist. I'm sure you even know about it too." Demilade says in an accusing tone.

"It's not my place to be talking around about other people's business." Victoria says waving away the accusation.

I turn my head to look at her and smile. "Hmm Victoria..." I say, dragging out her name.

She eyes me with the corner of her eyes. "Yes, what happened?"

"No no leave her, yet when it is to tell us unsolicited info about her juniors affairs she is a newscaster." Demilade adds, momentarily looking at her through the mirror.

To spite him she starts singing. "I know something you don't know. I know something you can never know..."

"May God help you and your gossiping." Demilade answers back.

I nod my head in agreement but shoots me a quick glare before the traffic light turns green.

"You think I'm done with you? Today I have your time." he says.

I turn off my phone when I see no sign of a response from Isren, and reply Demilade. "I thought you said gossiping was not good?"

"You call question my friend about a suspicious older man gossip?" he says.

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