Chapter 1 - Fine Girl, Fine Wine.

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I listen with one ear to Victoria's narration of yet another midweek party.

"Ah babe, you should have seen me on the dance floor. There was even one fine guy that asked me out," she says, bubbling like a bottle of coke.

"Mhm, was it love at first sight?"

"I don't know about love o but he was a good kisser." she says shrugging, all of a sudden her eyes lit up. "wait o, I forgot to get his number."

"You're such a womanizer -no manizer." I cluck, more jealous than disapproving.

Vic dusts off her shoulders, bearing her promiscuity with pride. "Anyways, are you going to come with me this time? It's been a while since we've done something fun together."

I sigh and fold my arms, as I mentally calculate how much of my break I had spent at the tuck shop.

Too much. No hot brooding CEO for me today.

A foot kicks my shin, and my face sours in anticipation of the dusty smudge on my socks.

"Since when did your definition of fun become partying, and spreading your legs for every creature with a ding dong."

It wasn't the immorality of her actions that worried me but how it had come about.

Till last summer Vic was more of an I'm waiting for 'Prince Charming' kind of girl. Now she just screwed every man in the Kingdom.

Her eyes narrow to slits at my words. "Now you're judging me too. When did you become so sanctimonious anyways?"

"I'm just concerned, not trying to be holier than thou," I say tucking my legs under my chair -and away from her.

"Well I'm still the same Victoria," she says, skipping back to her petition. "Since you're not HTT, why not try a party with me?"

Oh, I know what goes on at parties, and no way am I waking up hungover after losing my virginity.

At least that's what happens in the web novels I read.

Before I can build an excuse for her, she tactfully scales the walls. "Okay join me this night and I'll never bug you again if you hate it..."

At this, I look up from the red plastic table.

Quickly she notices this and leans over her seat, "...We won't stay long, and it's an exclusive club so no large crowds."

That does sound a bit saner.

Besides, I'm itching to see more four walls than that of my bedroom and youth church.

Slowly the balance tips over as temptation outweighs my sensibility.

Finally, I agree with feigned reluctance.

"Fine, it better be exclusive like you said."

She squeals, extending her wiggling fingers for a girly handshake.

On cue, the bell rings and we hurry off to class, grinning from ear to ear as we zap through the hallways.


My screen goes black after exiting Victoria's chat. Apparently, she's outside my gate and 'freezing' as she put it.

My parents have just fallen asleep at a little after eleven, and I doubt this isn't part of a dream I should be having.

Hopefully, unlike me, they're really asleep, and won't put an end to the sliver of freedom I have if they find out.

Don't mess things up Nimi, or you'll be screwed big time.

My phone screen lights up, and I am sure it's Vic sassing me out of my house.

Quickly, I tiptoe to the kitchen where I slip out the backdoor. 

Once I am finally out of the house I speed-walk across the compound, hoping the clacking of heels will be quiet enough.

Glad for the gateman's affinity for deep sleeping I seize the moment and dart past his living quarters -finally reaching the gate.

In a moment of hesitation, fear, and a strange sense of excitement I use a spare key I had stolen from under the welcome mat and shove it into the padlock.

Outside she's waiting for me and her eyes glisten in the moonlight -that and her red sequined red dress.

It barely passed her knickers and clung tightly to her curves. Immediately shut my mouth as a housefly buzzes near the entrance.

No way on God's green earth did her chorister mom and late pastor dad buy this for her.

More than self-conscious in the span of a few seconds, I look at my plain silver backless dress -a little secret gift from Sister Fumi. 

Hip bones destroyed whatever justice my long legs gave this dress, and I find myself wishing to tear some flesh off Victoria's body -there's obviously more than enough to go around.

"Girl you are hot, I doubt anyone there would be able to take their eyes off you." she whisper-shouts and I can barely swallow my saliva.

"Please spare me the flattery we all know you ate. Where's the cab you ordered anyways." I say looking at the empty street. 

Something small chitters by the dumpster, and my gaze flings back to Victoria.

"Somebody cannot even compliment you again. And who said anything about a cab." Victoria says with a mischievous grin.

"You said you would get us a ride, are you kidding me right now?"

"You better keep your voice down and relax. Ride does not equal cab in my dictionary. Now hurry my man candy is on the next street." she says taking hold of my hand.

I look at her shocked, but my legs are able to match her surprising speed. 

True to her word a man who can't be less than a university graduate sits in an electric blue Jeep. I sigh and get in along with my friend who slides comfortably into the shotgun seat.

I squirm in the back, still feeling under scrutiny. What do I even do in this situation, say hi?

Vic saves me further contemplation and introduces me to the man. Even then his name makes no dent in my memory as I smile and reply to his greeting.

The twinkling lights of Lagos call to me, and I stare out the window as the scenes blur into a neon canvas.

Hopefully, my first party will be better than this unfortunate turn of events.

Author's Note
If you've made it this far thank you for reading my book! I appreciate every single one of you so much❤️. Please remember to leave a vote if you enjoyed reading it as this really helps my books. Feel free to leave a comment to say hi! Or let me know your thoughts as you read. And share this book with a friend you think would like it.

Thank you and I hope you have a great rest of your day now.

Love y'a :)

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