Chapter 43 How To Reject a Mate

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           I couldn't sleep at all last night, Mr. Thomas' words kept replaying in my mind and every time I shut my eyes all I saw was Xavier agreeing with me and telling me to leave the pack and never come back.

           I didn't want to tell anyone yet either, I was still trying to process it myself and figure out what to do.

          "Coffee?" Xavier said snapping me out of my train of thoughts.

          I had spent the night last night, I knew that if I changed my mind at the last minute and came up with some BS excuse that he would know right away that something was wrong.

          "Please," I mumbled, a half-hearted smile playing on my lips.

          I was sitting around the kitchen island, of course still in my pyjamas with unbrushed messy hair while Xavier was making us chocolate-chip waffles.

           Last night after Mr. Thomas I told Xavier that I could feel a headache coming on and that I needed to go lay down for a bit. Of course, he believed me and that made me feel even worse. I was already lying to him.

          All I did was lay in bed and run all the different options and outcomes through my mind over and over, I made sure to block Xavier from my mind so he wouldn't be able to hear anything either. And if he did sense my wild mixture of emotions I'm hoping that he just chalked it up to my headache because he didn't say anything about it when he came to bed or when we got up this morning.

          "Your head still hurting, princess?" Xavier asked softly as I mindlessly stirred my coffee.

          "Yeah, a little," I shrugged. I mean that wasn't a complete lie, my mind was still hurting from thinking about everything.

          "Anything that I can help with?"

          "How do werewolves reject each other?" I blurted out. "I mean, I just want to know out of pure curiosity, I figure that I should maybe know this as Luna of the pack."

          "You sure it doesn't have anything to do about us?" Xavier gave me a concerned look.

          "It might if you don't hurry up and feed me," I teased trying to lighten the mood.

          "Basically one mate has to say their full name and rank to the moon goddess under the light of the moon and then the other mate will be able to feel the connection breaking as soon as the words leave the others mouth," Xavier said with a look of pain upon his face. "A lot of wolves don't ever recover from it, some go mad with longing for their mate and become feral."

          "What happens to the others?" If I had to reject Xavier, would he be ok? Or would I be killing him? Maybe Mr. Thomas was wrong, if I rejected and left Xavier it make the pack worse, not better.

          "Some wolves pick a new mate, now of course their bond won't be anywhere as strong as true mates are, but it will help to ease the pain. A lot of alphas have to pick a new mate if their true one leaves, and they really only do it for their pack. A pack with a broken alpha and a runaway luna will only suffer."

           The thought of Xavier holding someone else the way he holds me makes me sick to my stomach.

        "That's. . ." I trailed off trying to find the right thing to say.

          "A fate that no one ever deserves," Xavier finished for me.

           "But didn't you tell me that if I wanted to leave and not be part of this life that you would let me go? Wouldn't that have killed you basically?" Xavier already gave me an out and I didn't take it because I didn't want to, but now that's all I can think about.

          Xavier set down a plate full of fluffy chocolate-chip pancakes covered in butter and syrup in front of me before getting a plate of his own and sliding into the empty seat on my left.

          "If you left me I would have had to find a new mate, of course, I wouldn't have loved her even a fraction of the amount I love you, but I would have had to for the pack."

          "Why wouldn't Cecelia and Hunter take over?" I mean, she was next in line after all and Hunter seemed like he could be a great alpha and leader to me.

          Xavier shook his head as he took a quick sip of coffee. "Hunter and Cecelia are in charge of all the warriors, they wouldn't be able to take over unless they found someone else to look after their duties. If it came down to it Grayson and Ivy would take over," Xavier rolled his eyes at the thought of the two of them being in charge. "But I don't think anyone would want that."

           I shook my head too and let myself laugh at the idea of our best friends trying to manage a pack when Grayson is in detention every other day


           Talking to Xavier just confirmed my thoughts that Mr. Thomas was crazy. Me rejecting and leaving would only cause harm, no one would benefit except for him.

          "Hey, do you know when I can find Mr. Thomas around? He told me if I needed any advice or had any questions to just stop by and ask him, that I was welcome any time," I lied. Ok, I mean it wasn't a complete lie, I did want to talk to him but I was almost sure that I wasn't welcome at his place anytime. I was probably the last person he wanted to see unless it was with my bags packed as I left.

          "I can't tell you how much it means to me to see you doing all of this," Xavier turned slightly and gave me a large smile. "Talking to the elders, it just -- I just really love you."

          "I love you too," I said back without waiting a second.

          I knew that the only way Xavier would believe me about Mr. Thomas was if he heard the truth from him directly.

          "I was going to go to the new gym today and test it all out, Mr. Thomas' place is on the way so I'll walk you there and then whenever you're done you can just come to the gym," Xavier said.

          "Sounds perfect," I agreed. "I'll go get dressed." I shoved the rest of my pancakes in my mouth and then drank the rest of my coffee before running upstairs to get dressed.

           I wasn't going to let some old, white guy running me out of town.

Hi loves!
I know that this
Is a shorter
Chapter, but I've been
Just dead recently
Preping for all my finals
And doing papers.

I still hope that you enjoy ❤️

Please let me know your thoughts
And also check out my other story
'When Things Come Back' ❤️

- G❤️

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