Two | Alonzo

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"Son." My father's dreadful voice calls out.

I groan as I make my way out of my office and down the hall towards my father who is in the entry hall with a band of men behind him. "Che cosa?" I spit.
[Translation: What?]

"Don't 'what' me." He rolls his eyes.

"Why the English?" I question, my voice is unfamiliar to the language.

"Because, you need to practice it." He answers joyfully.

"Father... what have you done?" I question him in a hard tone.

He smiles. "You have your first public gala since you've taken over coming up so I had to collect you a wife." His eyes narrow devilishly.

I peer behind him to see a woman laying bridal style unconscious in one of my father's security guard's arms. She wears an involuntary frown. "For what reason?" I snap, looking back to my father.

"For the same reason I got your mother. So we look stable to the outside world, and you need to bare a son to carry on the blood line." He explains.

My mother comes up from behind me with her careful, small steps. "Nico?" She calls out with her soft voice. "Who is that?" She questions, motioning to the woman.

"This is Reagan. Alonzo's bride to be." He beams proudly.

I glance to my mother, seeing the horror in her eyes. I can tell she feels bad for Reagan— having to be forced into this way of life like she was. "Nico... w-why?"

"Don't question me Remy." My father scoffs coldly, ignoring my mother's further questions. He steps forward, waving his hand so his goon can bring the woman towards me. "Do you like her? She is plump, but that can be fixed with surgery." He laughs mockingly.

I stare at the woman before me. A bruise forming on her temple over clear skin, slightly hidden by dark brown wavy hair. She is quite beautiful. But I snap out of it immediately.

"I don't have time for this." I grunt, walking away back into my office to isolate myself from everything.

Short one, but thoughts?  

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