Twenty-one | Alonzo

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 When the morning comes, both the dogs have pushed on the outside of Reagan, pushing her in the middle close to me. She is sleeping on her stomach with her arms tucked underneath her comfortably. Her face is squished to the side with her lips parted. Her hair is all in the way of her face and I subconsciously push it away so I can get her full view.

Her eyebrows scrunch at the light contact, but they relax and she lets out a sigh. I chuckle at that and stretch out before turning onto my back, putting one hand behind my head reaching for my phone with the other.

As soon as I open my phone I am bombarded with emails, text messages and missed calls with their corresponding voice mails. "Merda." I curse, looking through them all.
[Translation: Shit.]

Many people messaged me about the same thing. I'll have to call a meeting, there isn't any other choice. I'd rather not lug Reagan and I back to Italy so I can possibly bring everyone else here.

I begin to plan it all out, planning a day for Reagan as well. Even though my day will be ruined and boring, it doesn't mean her's has to be too. I make up appointments at a spa which should keep her busy all day.

Groaning, I roll out of bed and jump into the shower quickly. When I get out, I clean up my beard and dress into black dress slacks and a plain white button up with a black tie and black suit jacket. I have to be fully dressed up for a business meeting. I complete the attire with a watch and all my rings.

I called the meeting in two hours. It takes me about an hour to get ready so at nine when I walk out of the bathroom, Reagan is rubbing her eyes and starting to wake up. She sits up and looks at me, her eyes going wide as she looks me up and down.

"Buongiorno, Reagan." I say to her as I fix my cufflinks.
[Translation: Good morning, Reagan.]

She just continues to gap at my appearance. "Mhm, morning." She blushes, looking away.

"I really apologize though, I have a meeting in an hour that may just last most of the day." I say with a slight frown.

Her lips turn into a frown and she looks down. "It's fine."

I hear the disappointment in her tone of voice. I don't know why she'd be disappointed though. I thought she'd be ecstatic to have a day to herself. "I already set up a day for you at a spa if you want."

She looks back up and smirks. "Really?"

"If you'd like, yes." I reply, chuckling slightly.

Her smile grows and she nods her head viciously. "That sounds awesome! I've never been to a spa before."

"Well, I'll take you over there. It's on the beach so you can just hang out there." I explain, sitting on the bed to put my shoes on.

"What about Lorenzo and Buchanon?" She questions, looking over to the still sleeping dogs.

I tie up my second shoe before answering. "They'll just come with me to my meeting."

I look back and see her sigh, looking in deep thought. "What if they came with me today? They can just hang out with me rather than just sit in a boring ol' meeting." She says her point.

I cock up a brow, tilting my head to the side. "You want to take the dogs for the day?"

Reagan puts one hand on Buchanon, running it down his back and up Lorenzo's. "Yeah." She nods her head.

"Okay, you can of course. But I'll have to teach you a couple commands. They only know Italian as you know." I explain.

"Okay!" She gets excited with a wide smile.


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