Eighteen | Alonzo

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I've set up a spot on the ground beside the bed. I wasn't sure how comfortable Reagan would be sharing a bed, so I don't have to hear her bellying aching about it, I just take a spot on the floor, getting as comfortable as I can. He comes out of the bathroom, with her messy curly hair up into a ponytail and a pair of sweatpants. It's very hot, so I don't understand why she'd be in pants. I'm only in a pair of grey gym shorts.

Reagan spots me on the floor, flipping through emails on my phone. I look up at her and she opens her mouth to say something, but closes it, furrowing her brows. She seems to have a mental argument with herself as she rounds the bed to the other side next to the window, closing the vertical blinds. I hear her lay down on the bed, letting out a sigh.

I begin to get comfortable, and close my eyes but am awoken by a hand on my shoulder, shaking me gently. "Alonzo?"

"Hmm." I hum, opening my eyes slightly to look up at her where she leans over the edge of the bed with sleepy eyes.

She sighs. "I feel bad for making you sleep on the floor. Come up on the bed." She says with nervousness in her voice.

My brows knit together and I look up at her. "Are you sure?" I ask, surprised she is suggesting this.

She nods her head, biting her lip. I notice her cheeks red either from the heat or just her being shy.

"Okay." I nod back, standing from the floor and taking the pillow I put down there up on the bed before I sit down on it.

I lay back against the mattress, thankful because the floor was dreadfully uncomfortable. Reagan lays on the other side of the bed, with her back to me and I look at red splotches that peek out from her tank top. At first I think they are bruises from the poor lighting, but I bring my hand closer and feel the heat radiating off of her.

"Reagan." I breathe out.

Her shoulders tense for a moment before she turns to face me. "Yeah?" She asks, looking at me.

"Why didn't you put on shorts?" I question her.

She hesitates. "B-because there weren't any in the bag."

My brows furrow. "Would you like a pair of my shorts?" I offer her.

"No, no I'm fine." She lies.

"Reagan..." I press.

She sighs. "I promise I'm fine. Drop it please." She insists.

I don't want to push her right now, so I just let it go. She turns back to face the closed window and I sigh, falling into a sleep.

I wake up some time later to shuffling on the other side of the bed. I peel open my eyes and watch a sleeping Reagan kick off her sweat pants. Once they are off, she sighs in relief, turning onto her stomach, hiking her leg up and pushing out her ass. I'm thankful she won't be running a fever in the morning anymore, and she should be cool enough to get a good night's rest. I fall asleep again to the soft snores of Buchanon and Lorenzo who are both sleeping on the floor at the base of the bed.

When morning comes, I slip from the bed silently, leaving Reagan to sleep. She is still sprawled across comfortably on the bed.

I walk into the kitchen area and pull out my phone. I ordered some room service and coffee for the two of us and to the staff's rooms for them as well. About half an hour goes by by the time someone knocks at the front door. I open the door to see a woman with a cart filled with food and two cups of coffee.

I nod my head to thank her, taking the cart from the woman into the room, shutting the door. I pull the food onto the dining table for Reagan and I when she wakes up. No rush though. For the day, the boat may need some repairing from the storm so we'll probably stay on land, touring Greece.

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