Ohh my dear Neito...

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I was still walking around thinking that is was starting to get colder even though the whole game just started a couple of hours ago and that was when I realized that there was no base at all in the woods. There were no camp sides that I came across. However, what I did saw from the top of a tree was a fire place. Which meant that there were some class 1B or they were making a trap for me. Well It was not as if I had a choice other than to go there.


I really hate how it is getting colder!

Who is even making a freaking war game in the middle on January?!

It's cold!

I just want to get this all over with!


I don't even care how they will see me after this!



Why didn't you tell me this sooner?!

You know instead of just putting me into a forest you could have asked me if I wanted to join.

Not as if there was a no in this anyway.

So at least give me some preparation days or some warm clothing!

Just a knife would have also done the trick!

I mean I just lost a couple of hours just to get a weapon and what one person out of the game as well as piss RG off?!

Not best start but hey who cares!

It's cold!

They brought it upon themselves!

Now let's go and check that fire place out!

I had my self-build poisonous knife with me as I started to get from one tree to the other and arrived at the side where I saw all the smoke coming from. Since I didn't wanted to get detected I used the trees to move forwards. This was how I was currently in a tree watching 4 people be around the fire and talk to each other.

Uhh camping!

It does look cozy and warm!

*Sigh* why didn't they invite me....

Pony: I can't believe we are facing someone from class 1A. Who do you think it is?

Neito: I bet it's Bakugo.

Manga: I think it will be Todoroki.

Reiko: Actually I would bet on Midoriya.


Someone actually guessed it was me!


As a present I won't get you out of this stupid give using poison but my own strength!

Neito: That guy can't hurt a-AHHHHHH!!!!

Before he could say anything more, I threw my knife at his leg and he immediately stopped talking but screamed while everyone was looking at where the sharp piece of stone come from.

Neito: Who did this?! Show yourself!

They all started to form a formation which was honorable but to be honest quite foolish of them. If they would have run away they wouldn't have for sure found all their ends right there and right now!

Me: OHH It's just someone who can't hurt a fly.

I decided it would be a lot funnier walking out towards them and that was exactly what I did. The only difference was that I still had 3 sharp stones and while I was walking towards them I readied them all in my hand and by the slightest movement I threw them at the persons leg, cutting them and piercing it. Needless to say, that it was Neito having Bakugo's quirk and wanted to come blasting at me.

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