Pure Nightmare

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I was at first running away but after a while I slowed down and started to play with the cane and for some reason I felt very powerful.

Me: Well now we are talking about but I am soo tried to go through the whole forest to find what? Six people left?

I could smoke them out...

Better not do that since I would put the whole forest on fire and I am sure Nezu wouldn't like that.

Hmmm should I try finding them all?

I don't like it.

This area is huge and I just got lucky to find them until now...

So what should I do?


That's the idea!

It will get cold and everyone will start a fire and I can use the night as my disguise and it is only 2 hours until night fall.


Let's do this!

For now I just need to be on a move in case RG comes looking for her cane and I'll be fine

Time skip brought to you by Izuku going to the end everything with a huge nightmare

Once it was time to go for the last hunt I climbed up a tree and only needed to have an eye out where I could first of see some glimmering from fire or even light of an electric torch and to my surprise they were all in one place. Needless to say that I immediately went to where I could find them and started to stalk them like a huge animal would it's prey.

Ohh look them all sitting there together!

What a nightmare they will encounter!

By now I was shivering and all I wanted was to end this more than anything else. So without waiting long, I used the scarf as a capture weapon for the first time and threw it at someone. It was such a huge surprise to me that it wrapped itself around someone and I junked him into the darkness before breaking his arm and making him scream out. It was no other then Juzu who I just grabbed.

After I finished with him, I quickly climbed up the tree and waited for the other to come closer.

Jurota: UP!

Me: hhihihi

He was so right with up but before he could say anything more, I was already around his neck with the cane and strangled him as he started to walk backwards. Yosetsu and Ken saw me but they quickly lost me after I made sure that Jurota was done on the ground.

Yosetsu: Is he alive?

Sen: Was that Midoriya?

Yosetsu: I think so.

Too bad for them that they decided to split up and so I went to the other 2 people who were still by the camp side they made as a shelter. It was nothing special besides some more leaves and tree branches so that they could sit on it.

Seeing them look in the direction where I pulled Juzo away, I decided to pull Kosei away into the completely other direction.

Kosei: WHAT THE-

After I came face to face with him, I decided to break this guys hand as a hello.

Me: Scream my dear! Just scream for me!

Once I broke his fingers I punched him unconscious and went to the other guy only that he wasn't there anymore.

Me: Where did he go?

Not seeing him, I decided to take it safe and went up a tree waiting for the others once again.

Hiryu: I am telling you he was just yanked into the darkness before I could even react.

Sen: Totally Midoriya. There is no way Bakugo would do that.

Yosetsu: But Iida would.

Sen: You think they send more than one even if we were told that there was only one.

While they were talking I decided to land behind one and immediately strangle Sen from behind right in front of the others and disappearing into the darkness. I also decided to climb yet another tree with my man on my shoulder like a potato sack and then dumb him right in front of it.

Yosetsu: Where is he?!

Hiryu: I can't see him

Yosetsu: Where is he?

Me (whispering): Right here.

I managed to get right behind him and decided to whisper in his ear and then right when he turned around I grabbed his neck and pulled him up into the air against a tree. Before that I quickly threw the cane against Hiryu. All Hiryu did was scream and then faint for some reason I don't quite understand at all. As if that wasn't enough Yosets stopped struggling and looked at me if I was the death reaper.

Aizawa: Problem Child, you win.

It was only when I heard Aizawa's voice behind me and then the hug I got that I let him go.

Me: Aizawa-sensei.

Aizawa: You're cold.

He also had a blanked and put it around me.

Aizawa: Let's go to somewhere nice and warm, problem child.

Aizawa: Let's go to somewhere nice and warm, problem child

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