Can you stop? NOPE!

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After the meeting with RG I was quickly running away until I heard some snapping of branches. This was not a good sign since it meant that someone was eitehr getting closer to me or they were tailing me and I was way to lost into my own thoughts. Seeing as the second option was not aut of the question and that I really really wanted to beat somoene up, I decided to head towards the noises and even run at them. 

I finally understand why Bakugo and Todoroki both liked to beat me up in the training sessionss....

It does feel good letting out some frustration.

Though I feel a littel bad for them.

Well it's their teacher fault.

The need to learn to deal with that!

It was the moment that I jumoed out of the nearby bushed and tees, that I somehow managed to scare Setsuna. The girl was all by herself which honestly surprised me.

Me: I suppose you don't know who the villain is?

Setsuna: Nice try!


U really completely forgot that they know who is after them....

Well shit!

They know class 1A is after them well one of class 1A members....

So me being here is kinda revealing who I am...

Damn it!


Why did you need to tell them?!

Me: Well it was a try and your done for!

I honestly completely forgot that they knew that someone from class 1A is after them. It was a stupid mistake but it was also a nice and dumb try. Something I didn't do for a while now. Now seeing her about to use her quick, I jumped at her and quickly sweeping her off her feet. In the process I grabbed her throat and pushed her to the ground even harder. 

Thanks to the impact I could see some blood on the ground which indicated a head wound and I was actually suffocating her.

Me: You know, I want to get you all out as fast as possible. So it's not possible for me to spend a lot of time with you fighting. Now have a good night sleep.

Ahh finally peace and quietness...

Oh come on!

Who approaching me now...

It was only after she went unconscious that I let go of her. 

You again?!

If I didn't know it better I would say you are stalking me!

Can't you just leave me alone?!

Like let me do my task!!!

RG: Seriously Midoriya! Do you have to make this much damage?


I am the villain here!

That's what villains do!

As I slowly stood up, I could see Ectoplasm and RG again.

Me: Do you have to trail after me?

RG: I am here to make sure that they don't die.

Me: Welp good luck with that!

RG: Midoriya! Stop right there!

Me: What? It's  cold and I want to finish this as fast as possible!

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