[9.2] WOLF's BANE: act two

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Scott and Stiles follow Alycia through the double doors into school.

"This is going to be impossible, you know?" Scott sighs.

"Just ask her if you can borrow it." Stiles says.


"Simple. You ask. Hey Allison, can i borrow your necklace to see if there's something on it or in it that will lead me to an Alpha werewolf i need to kill in order to get back together with you." Stiles breaths out.

"You're not helping." Alycia mutters.

"Just talk to her." Stiles says, more serious now.

"She won't talk to me. And what if she only takes it off when she's like in the shower?"

"That's why you ease your way into it. Get back on her good side. Remind her of the good times. Then you ask for the necklace." Alycia says.

Stiles and Alycia look at Scott. Scott looks at them.

"You're thinking about her in the shower, aren't you?" Stiles asks.


Alycia makes a disgusted face.

"Stay focused. Get the necklace, get the Alpha, get cured, get Allison back. In that order, got it?" Stiles says.

"Get the necklace." Scott nods.

Scott, Alycia and Stiles split off under the florescent lights of the high school corridor.


Jackson lies down on his stomach with his shirt off on a patient examining table. His face sits just over the edge, allowing his head to turn as the physician, a man named Dr. Fenris, swabs at the back of his neck with a cotton ball.

"What did you say it was that scratched you?" The doctor asks.

"Just... an animal. Can you hurry this up? I'm missing first period."

"Have you had trouble sleeping lately?"

"Kind of. I've been having dreams." Jackson says.

"Dreams or nightmares?"

"Nightmares. About a fire. It's this house. I can hear screaming... What's this have to do with anything?" Jackson asks looking back at the doctor.

"Nothing, i hope."

Fenris opens a drawer. Jackson catches a glimpse of strangely shaped metallic instruments.

"What is that?"

"Just taking a closer look."

Jackson hears the click of metal, odd mechanical sounds.

"Hey, i really don't have much time." Jackson says.

The doctor's fingertips press down on the back of Jackson's head, the touch causing him to flinch.

"Hold still, please." The doctor says.

"I thought you were just going to look."

"Yes, but to do that, i might have to dig a little deeper."

Fenris reaches back into the drawer, metal instruments clanging against each other.

"What-- what are those?" Jackson asks frightened.

"Hold still, please."

Jackson tries to remain motionless on top of the crinkling paper underneath his skin. But then he jerks forward.

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