part one

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Lotus pov

Watching people all around me laugh and smile seems like a dream I would love to live in. Ironically life is not kind to someone like me.

Unplugging my headphones from my ears after blasting NF'S song let me go on repeat for the past one hour, I can clearly hear the screaming match downstairs everyday the same routine
Wake up, go to school and come home to any empty yet alive house before another round of screaming.
Ah! The sweet sound of my parents screaming at each other seems to be my lullaby in the night

Standing up from my window sill, I grab my backpack before my father walks up to my room and blesses my ears with his morning dose of profanities
Walking downstairs looking at my tired mother's face in between her palms in dire need of affection and comfort, she looks up just in time to see me analysing her tired face , Auburn hair which seems to have lost its glow, Hazel eyes that have lost their spark, eyes that long for the youth she once had yet she never fails to shine her beautiful smile once she laid eyes on me trying to pretend that she is okay, I guess this has been our new normal.
Just as I was about to return the smile I hear goliath stomping down the stairs if only there was a David to save us from my tyrant of a father , he looks at me like I am the best thing that has ever happened to him , if I would just drop down and die
He just scoffs and glares at my mother and I before pushing past us and leaving,  it is like a breath of fresh air when I hear his car zoom off, I hear a small sound of relief from my mother before she focuses her attention back on me, I can see the guilt on her face so I just cut her off before she speaks
" mom it's fine, I'm okay and it isn't your fault "  she just stares blankly at me before saying " No it's not Lotus, No child should live in a toxic environment like this, waking up to your father and I screaming like banshees. It's not fair I just want you to be ....." I cut her off before she can say anything more
" mom I'm not a child I am 17 and I'll be fine, No we'll be fine, we always will be and we always have." I walk up to her and wipe away a few stray tears and pull her into a hug, she smiles and then says " come on let's get you to school " as she walks to the counter to pack my lunch , I mentally groan as I here the word school, I mean I hate school especially private school, I mean there I was sitting quietly in my old school before my literature teacher recommended me for a scholarship in pegasus High.
A school for the rich and snooty, I mean just my luck, mom is really excited about it  but I can't resist the eye roll just hoping I don't run into any hiccups there
I am jolted back to life when my mother says my name from the front door I lace up my shoes and walk towards the front door locking it and then walking into my mother's car
"Are you okay honey " my mother asks as we pull out the drive way
" I'm fine mom"
"Liar" I look at my mother pointedly, I hate when she does this, psycho analysing Me I mean just because she's a psychologist doesn't me she gets to analyse her daughter
I huff before answering " just new school jitters" she nods before telling me I'll be fine.
I plug in my airpods before blasting leaving heaven by skylar grey and eminem, I sigh in content when hearing the lyrics as we drive
Just as the song ends I see the black gate to my majestic new school PEGASUS HIGH
Unlike the fancy new cars parked at infront of the school, our car stuck out like a sore thumb directing attention to my mom and I, mom didn't seem to bother as she was busy ogling the schools architecture
I hesitantly step out of the car after seeing a school attendant talking to my mother
I feel underdressed after looking at my white and black horizontal sweater dress and midnight Nikes and my black schoolbag
I walk with the attendant and my mother who chats freely with my mother, we pass by a few student who look good in their uniforms
" ugh I forgot about the uniforms" I mutter under my breath
"What was that you said Lotus " my mom says, I swear it's like she has super hearing.
"Nothing mother"  she looks at me before we hear a chirpy voice next to us " right this way ladies"
We walked into the administration office
Everything looked so pristine, I felt so small when the head mistress walked through the door scanning me from head to toe before giving a tight lipped smile
" hello ladies I am Esmerelda, what a pleasure to meet you" she stretched forth her hand for a firm handshake, knowing that I hated human contact, my mother quickly stretched forth her hands as well.
"Quite lovely to meet you Esmerelda, I'm Josephine Ackerman, you can just call me josie and here's my daughter Lotus " and just like that the attention was back on me. I smiled shyly and let my silver curls fall down my face in waves
Her green eyes scanned me before saying " we don't allow hair dye in pegasus" before I could say a word mom already intervened " her hair is not dyed , just naturally silver " my mother gritted out I looked at her in adoration she seemed to be the only one who didn't think of me as some demon because of my silvery white hair and eyes
I turn my sights towards my new headmistress and she looked appaled before speaking again" and your eyes..." before my mother could jump in I said " No headmistress they aren't contact lenses."
She nodded and pointed to my heart shaped glasses on my face " Are they just for decor or recommended"
" they are recommended headmistress" i paused before speaking  again " it's for astigmatism"
She nodded and pointed to her office where I was given my schedule and given my uniforms which was a white long sleeved button down shirt and a plaid Scottish design skirt with option stockings and a black jacket my nikes paired well with it and I loved the fact that the jacket cover my " fat ass" as my bullies would call it. Before feeling insecure about my body ,I walked out of the changing room, the headmistress nodded in content and my mother beamed with a smile I was given a tour of the place by  the attendant of before, making sure I knew where I had to go
The school was huge, it was like a castle converted into a school I immediately fell inlove with the library as I was scanning through Shakespeare romance I heard the warning bell, I huffed before grabbing my bag waving goodbye to the librarian before walking to my romance literature class I took a held breath before walking in.

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