Chapter 1: The royal ball

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Princess Ashley had just finished her dance classes and was now in her room. She changed out of her dancing dress and into one of her other dresses. Then she heard a knock on the door.

Ashley: Come in, it's open.

Princess Ashley's best friend, Cassandra, came in. She was a royal guard.

Ashley: Hey Cass.
Cassandra: Hey Ash. Your parents asked me to call you to the ballroom.
Ashley: For what?
Cassandra: I'm not sure but they said it's important.
Ashley: Okay.

Princess Ashley and Cassandra went to the ballroom. They went in and Princess Ashley saw her parents and brother.

Ashley: Morning Father, Mother and Alex.
Jeffrey and Raya: Morning Ashley.
Alex: Hey Sis.

Prince Alex and Princess Ashley high-fived.

Ashley: Cassandra told me that you wanted to see me about something important?
Jeffrey: Yes. Cassandra, can you please wait outside?

Cassandra nodded and went out of the ballroom.

Jeffrey: Do you know that Prince Lukas of the kingdom of Lexia is hosting a royal ball?
Ashley: Yes, what about it?
Jeffrey: He's inviting princesses from other kingdoms to find a wife. We recieved an invitation and-
Ashley: I'm not going.
Alex: Sis, you shouldn't interrupt Father like that. You know he doesn't like that.
Ashley: Well sorry, but I'm not going. I'm not going to marry some prince that I haven't met before, especially if it's some sort of arranged marriage.
Jeffrey: Didn't you say that you want to be the future queen?
Ashley: Yes but of this kingdom, not some prince's kingdom that uses royal balls to pick a queen. You can't force love like that and I'm not going to be forced into it.
Raya: You are going to go. We already responded saying that you will be attending.
Ashley: Then you can tell him that I don't want to attend the ball. Simple.
Jeffrey: Don't take that tone with your mother and I.
Raya: If you don't, you won't be able to train with the guards anymore.
Ashley: What?! You can't do that.
Raya: Yes we can. So make your choice.
Ashley: Fine!

Princess Ashley stormed out and went to her room.

Alex: Was that really necessary?
Jeffrey: She has to do this.
Alex: But why? She's right, love can't be forced.
Raya: We know that, but maybe she can learn to love him just like we did.
Jeffrey: Trust us Son, it's important for the future if our kingdom.
Alex: How?
Jeffrey: The enemy kingdom has started attacking again.
Alex: Is that why we've had so many attacks these past few weeks?
Raya: Yes. We know that the enemy kingdom is going after our kingdom especially, for Ashley.
Alex: For Ashley?! Why don't you tell her?
Jeffrey: Not so loud Alex. We don't want her to worry so much about being taken. Lexia is a secure kingdom and it would be safer for her to be in that kind of kingdom.
Alex: Oh, I see. Maybe I should talk to her.
Raya: Don't mention what we discussed just now, it's for her own good.

Prince Alex sighed, nodded and went out of the ballroom. Cassandra came to him.

Cassandra: Is Princess Ashley okay?
Alex: She's just upset about going to Prince Lukas' ball. I'm going to talk to her now.
Cassandra: Okay.

Prince Alex went to Princess Ashley's room and Cassandra went to the stables. Prince Alex knocked on the door and didn't hear an answer. He went in and didn't see Princess Ashley.

Alex: Ashley, are you in here? Ashley! Where is she? Maybe she's in the forest, she always goes there to cool off.

Prince Alex rushed to the stable and didn't see her horse. He rode on his horse to the forest where Princess Ashley normally goes.

Alex: Ashley! Are you here?

Suddenly an arrow flew passed and Prince Alex fell off his horse. Princess Ashley then came.

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