Chapter 5: Invasion

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9am the next day


Raya: Morning Son.
Alex: Morning Mother. Can I ask you something?
Raya: Of course you can. What is it?
Alex: Do you know about the 7 Royal Warriors?
Raya: Oh yes. I remember you tried to see if you had one of their powers when you were younger.
Alex: Well, I found my power.
Raya: Y-You did? When?
Alex: Yesterday.
Raya: Is that why your head is crimson-red again? And with red highlights?
Alex: Yeah, I guess finding my power brought out my natural hair colour. I don't know about the red highlights though.
Raya: Then that means it wasn't very wise to send Ashley there.
Alex: I spoke to Father about it though he didn't seem bothered.
Raya: He probably is. We know he doesn't handle negative emotions very well.

Prince Alex nodded. One of the servants, Amanda, came in.

Amanda: Good morning Your Majesties.
Alex: Morning.
Raya: Good morning Amanda.
Amanda: Queen Raya, we're having trouble deciding on the flower arrangements. Could you maybe assist us, if you're not too busy?
Raya: Alex and I will both come help. Let's go.
Amanda: Thank you.

Queen Raya and Prince Alex followed Amanda to the ballroom.

Oceana, in the ocean

Tristan: Hey Dad!
Leo: Hello Son! Where are you coming from?
Tristan: I just went shell-hunting for a surprise.
Leo: A surprise?

Prince Tristan nodded, swam to his throne and sat down.

Tristan: For Lyd. I'll give it to her when she returns from Lexia.
Leo: Please don't break or lose it until then.
Tristan: I don't always lose or break things.
Leo: You literally broke your sister's previous sceptre and your mother's previous crown.
Tristan: That wasn't my fault.
Leo: And let's not forget about the family heirloom I gave you.

He stayed quiet and King Leo chuckled.

Tristan: Okay, maybe I am clumsy. That's why Lydia's the heir, right?
Trisha: Maybe or maybe because she's older.

Queen Trisha swam in and sat down on her throne too.

Tristan: She's only older by 2 minutes. We're twins, we're basically the same age.
Trisha: Those 2 minutes still count Tristan.
Tristan: If you say so Mom.


Queen Hailey and King Magnus, Princess Twilight's parents, were playing hide-and-seek with her younger sister, Princess Starlight.

Hailey: Where could Starlight be?
Magnus: I have no idea.

They heard a giggle coming from behind Princess Twilight's throne. They crept up to the throne.

Magnus and Hailey: Found you!

Princess Starlight laughed and came out from her hiding spot.

Magnus: I'd continue playing but I have some things to do.
Hailey: Okay, see you later Sweetie.
Magnus: See you.

King Magnus gave Queen Hailey a kiss.

Starlight: Ew! Can't you do that in private?
Magnus: Why don't I give her another one?
Starlight: No!

They all laughed. King Magnus kissed Princess Starlight's forehead and left.


Queen Mika was in the royal treasury and King Michael walked in.

Michael: What are you doing Mika?
Mika: N-nothing. Nothing Michael.
Michael: It's not nothing. Come on, we've been married for 10 years.
Mika: You'd take every opportunity to mention that.
Michael: That's because I'm proud of it, of us.

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