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My huge bias towards the entity mod is showing, help.


"..Oh." they softly exclaimed, looking at the new empty void as they had transported themselves to an unknown place.

They were suppose to be home, this looked bad, really bad indeed. Though their eyes immediately darted to two figures who stood near the distance, one behind the tall figure who harshly glared them down.

How in the world did they get in his void? As a matter of fact how did they even get the spell to enter in to begin with? His eyes suddenly glowed pink, quickly going over to push them off to the floor, they retaliated by dodging to the side, eyes staring at the boy in slight interest. He had short ponytail, demon horn from the looks of it coming out of his head, his eyes held the same colour as sister Sarvente when in demon form.

His attire seem modern as well, holding what looked like a magenta? Pink sweatshirt, a white blouse under it with black heels. Interrupting their own thoughts, they quickly ducked down while spinning away when he went in for a punch. His tongue clicked in annoyance, damn, they knew how to fight-or dodge.

"What the hell and how the fu-" he deadpanned when feeling the harsh glare of his sister "-the frick did you get in here. No one except I, can enter this damn space of what we have to call home." He glared, still flying about while (Y/n) stood there idle, still looking up at the boy in slight interest before sighing, looking back down on the floor with closed eyes. "I wouldn't know." A tick started to form on his head.

"What do you mean you 'wouldn't know.' YOU ARE LITERALLY RIGHT HERE!" The girl quietly hid herself behind a copy of a pillar, peeking her head out to be able to see more of the interaction, it was scary, she didn't like the booming voice of her brother. But they needed answers, no one except Selever could open the portal to here.

"Exactly as said, I was trying to go to my home, I must have been into your line of vision if I was suddenly transported here." They softly explained, clearly tired from all of this even if it had been 5 minutes or sort. Selever's eye twitched, going back down with both hands in pocket, slowly approaching their form with a menacing aura.

"Oh yeah? And how would you know if this was near your line of vision you fuck? You couldn't possibly-" His words were cut short, standing a few meters away from them, his face suddenly turned into one of realization, one eye wide open while holding a shocked expression. "FUCK! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO CAUGHT MY PORTAL OPEN DIDN'T YOU!"

(Y/n) sighed, slowly rubbing their temples, giving him a hum as response. He furiously started to ruffle his hair, throwing himself words of profanities for not being careful and that he was right when he first saw them look up. "Ah..so I wasn't blind."

"No, in fact-you were hallucinating..OBVIOUSLY YOU WEREN'T YOU SON OF A BITCH-" The magician could only let out an exasperated breath, it was clear from night to day that he was beyond pissed at himself and towards them from even managing to enter their safe space to begin with. Deciding to block his voice out, they went over to look at the entire room itself, it was empty, very empty, almost made for exile.

Were they both not from this world?

"What the hell are you thinking about now?" He huffed, sitting down on a imaginary chair thanks to his wings. (Y/n) looked back at the strawberry head, before looking back at the girl who still hid behind the pillar. The silence that consume them was strong, it could have easily been broken by a bottle smashed against the floor. "...Are you both non-existent?" Both figures suddenly stiffened, the silence coming back to get them. (Y/n) took it as a yes, deciding to carefully sit down on the floor as their back pain had come back to eat them again.

Selever eyed their form, now very cautious of what they were going to do next. How would they know? How did they know? Just by those eye contacts they made? No, it couldn't be possible unless they were really really smart. So then..

"If I was actually right then do elaborate, it was merely a guess."

"A FUCKING GUESS??" He sneered, arms thrown to the side to exclaim his point, by that point-the sister carefully got out of her hiding place, approaching (Y/n) with sudden interests. Selever caught on and quickly gave her a warning glare to not approach them whatsoever- she ignored it however. "How did you know?"


"Oh so i was right." They visibly perked, hands lightly stretched out with their mouth formed as the letter 'o'. Razazy nodded, carefully sitting down next to her brother, all three now being able to stare at eachother. However (Y/n) looked away, not being able to maintain eye contact for long. "I wouldn't know how to explain it. I suppose from making eye contact with you I thought you had exiled yourself at first." They began, slowly playing with their hand to remain calm.

"Though those hypothesis were shut down when I saw it for the second time, based off the outline of your portal, it told me you were not apart from this world." Quickly pausing, they eyed the siblings who visibly looked interested, Selever had even bent down a little to get more invested into this. Portals had different outlines from eachother?

"How was my portal like nerd?" They gave a ghost smile towards the comment, taking him off guard but he quickly regain his composure. "Blurry, yet somehow glitchy, it was still fluent however." They described, quickly trying their best into remaking it, his eyes widen when they managed to give out a carbon copy in seconds, Razazy felt the same, careful hovering her hand over the portal in awe. (Y/n) internally chuckled, seeing the astonishment on their face brought a good feeling in their heart.

"Portal differ from the owner, having me narrow it down that you both are from elsewhere. Perhaps from the other side?... I wouldn't know, your entity's are too far into reach." They both seemed dejected at the slight news. Razazy seemed the most hurt from her brother. She just wanted to finally meet her parents, she didn't want to constantly look through a portal to see how their days went.

Tears began to swell up her eyes, trying her best into holding it which alarmed Selever who quickly tried comforting her. It surprised (Y/n) who themselves didn't know what to do.

'Alright, this itch on my back is getting to me' They internally groaned, quickly removing the jacket they wore, the two slowly watched as (Y/n) slowly began to get themselves into a comfortable sitting position..before finally releasing those half grey wings they held for so long.

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