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"So chimney won't be back for a few weeks?" Kate asked, pouring a coffee for her and Buck

"Yeah, doctors orders"

"It's gonna be weird without him" Kate said, handing Buck his coffee "how's Maddie?"

"I don't know, she's saying she's okay but I think she's just saying that"

"Maybe she's just hoping to convince herself, fake it till you make it and all that"

"What about you?" Buck asked

It had been weeks since The year anniversary of Samuels death, weeks since she broke down in her boyfriends arms, somehow not scaring him away.

Kate was doing better, or so she wanted to believe. In all honesty, Kate hadn't been sleeping great, her dreams were poised by the memories leading up to her sons death. She had barely eaten, her diet was ruined by what she assumed was her grief.

She just couldn't understand why her feelings had change so Drastically.

She called Eddie when she felt ready enough to explain it all to him, he apologized for being so mad but she didn't care about his anger, she just wanted to explain it all.

Kate hasn't told anyone else, right now enough people know and she doesn't want to open that door fully yet

"Hey, I didn't get kidnapped or stabbed"

"Kate" Buck said, giving her hand a soft touch

"I'm okay, it was just a hard day but it's been weeks and I feel fine, I promise" she felt awful for promising, but she didn't want Buck to worry.. she didn't want anyone to worry.

"If you insist" he sighed, his wrapped his hand around his girlfriends hip and pulled her towards him

Kate shuffled her feet as Buck pulled her closer, she looked up at him with a smile "I like that you're concerned"

"It's kinda in the job description" he joked

She rolled her eyes "Hush, I still like it."

Buck put his coffee cup on the counter, he held kate with both hands and kissed her happily; he soon moved his lips from hers to her neck, Kate let her head fall back with enjoyment until she realized they had work.. work was always ruining things.

"Buck, we have to work" Kate said, but not trying to stop it

"We can late" he mumbled, moving further down

Kate didn't protest as he unbuttoned her shirt, she really didn't want to be late.. but she could always blame traffic

"Traffic is pretty bad" she hummed, running her fingers through his hair

"So bad" he continued to kiss her,

Kate let out a small giggle as she felt her feet lift off the ground, bucks arms wrapped around her tightly as she rested her on the counter

Kate reached down, she pulled bucks shirt over his head "god that never gets old to look at" she gazed at him,

"Neither do you" his voice was raspy, almost sounding like he was shouting for hours.

"Your room or mine?" Kate asked

Buck picked her up from the counters, she laughed as he carried her to her room,

"Oh, oh be careful" she pointed to milo,

"Oh come on" he grunted,

"Buck put me down" Kate insisted, holding back more laughter

𝙁𝙡𝘼𝙈𝙀 // 𝙀𝙑𝘼𝙉 𝘽𝙐𝘾𝙆𝙇𝙀𝙔 Where stories live. Discover now