Thirty - six.

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Three months had passed since Christmas, Kate was back at work and felt she was finally herself again; her wounds healed and her emotions were finally controllable, all that anger and rage she felt slowly faded away until she was left with just the memories of that day, the memories she chose to lock away.

Kate stood before Buck in the hospital room, she felt more nervous than him. If anything was wrong, if anything prevented him for working she wasn't sure if he'd survive that.

"You know whatever happens I'm here okay" Kate said, breaking the silence

"I know, but there is nothing to worry about, I'm fine, I feel good"

Kate exhaled, "I think I'm more nervous than you"

Buck held her hand, "I'll be fine, we will be fine"

"You're right" she nodded,

Bucks doctor walked in, greeting them both with a polite smile.

"How's my favorite patient" he asked, lightening the damp mood.

"I'm good, just eager to get a clean bill of health"

"A real one this time" Kate added, staring at her boyfriend who gave her an innocent look.

"Don't worry, I've been very thorough this time. Evan won't be Hiding anything this time"

"Good, because I don't need the stress." She sighed,

Bucks doctor chuckled, turning on the monitor "Bone has fusednicely where the screws were, and there's minimal scar tissue." He told Buck the good news

"I feel good, Doc. I mean, I was... I was standing on top of a moving fire truck the other day. Not even a twinge."

"Yeah.. I want to say I didn't agree but I was the one driving it"

Dr Franklin shook his head, acting like he didn't here bucks comments "I'm gonna pretend that I did not hear that part. I'm not interested in operatingon your other leg"

"So what about the clots?" Buck asked

Kate held her breath, remembering how awful it felt to watch Buck choke on his own blood, she stared at the scans on the monitor, noticing they were clear.

"Scans are clear. No sign of clots since we took you off of the blood thinners."

Kate released the breath she held, giving bucks hand a squeeze.

"I think those screws were the source of your problem" he told him

"Uh, so that's it? They're gone and I... I don'tneed to see you anymore?" Buck asked

"As long as you don't get crushed by another fire truck."

Kate laughed before quickly covering her mouth, she gave a sorry look to her boyfriend "it's-... humor, come on you know it's my mechanism"

Buck shook his head, he too laughed at his doctors comments "Whoa, come on. Too soon,"

"Mr. Buckley, it is my pleasure to give you a clean bill of health. So go get dressed and get out of here." He delivered the good news

Buck stood up from the bed, the paper crackled as he did. "Um, well, thank you. For everything. Um, no offense, but I hope I never see you again."

"Yeah that makes the two of us" Kate nodded

Buck walked over to the door, Kate came behind him.

"Hey, you never know."

That comment made them both stop, Buck gave an annoyed look before giving a small grin "Really?"

𝙁𝙡𝘼𝙈𝙀 // 𝙀𝙑𝘼𝙉 𝘽𝙐𝘾𝙆𝙇𝙀𝙔 Where stories live. Discover now