A Product of War

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     Kireina slowly traipsed behind her group of friends, lost in thought

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     Kireina slowly traipsed behind her group of friends, lost in thought. She finally found her answers but those answers seemed to have done more harm than good. Over the past week Sokka avoided Rein, even while living within such close parameters he was able to act like she didn't exist to him. Katara tried to ease the awkwardness when they were in group settings but it was no use, Sokka wanted no part in even glancing at the multibender. Aang was so dead set on finding an earthbending master that he was oblivious to the underlying issues going on right under his nose. 

     The group traveled on foot towards a town within the Earth Kingdom that held battles for fellow earthbenders. Aang hoped that there he would find a teacher so he could progress further in his mastering of the elements. 

     Rein felt defeated, she felt alone. After spilling her guts out to her small family, not one of them took the initiative to assist her. No one pushed her to locate Zuko, no one advised her to follow her path, they all just avoided the topic like it was the plague. Kireina didn't want to handle it all solo, all she wanted was for her friends to help her like they always did for Aang. But instead they continued on, leaving Rein and her problems in the dust. 

     She knew deep down the only way to help herself would be to leave them and find Zuko and Iroh. But she couldn't find it in herself to make the first step. Rein didn't know what to say even though she has parted ways with the group numerous times in the past. This time was just... different. The previous separations were easy because she felt she was always welcome back, but this time felt like it would be the last. Would her friends even care if she left? Would they think about her while she was gone? Would they want her to come back? Obviously her brother would care and worry, but her mind floated to Sokka who was more often than not, her sole reason for returning time and time again. 

     "You've been awfully quiet these past few days Rein, what's bothering you?" Aang asked his sister, looping his arm with hers. 

     Kireina was baffled and she instantly felt rage fill within her. "Are you seriously asking me that? Have you been living in a dream since we left that swamp or are you just that selfish that you haven't realized I'm drowning in doubt and my own self pity?!"

     "Uh... the first option?" Aang answered, confused at his sister's outburst. 

     "We spend months trying to learn why I'm special, trying to put together the small bits and pieces we've discovered along the way. From Zhao to Bato, everyone fed into the legend and yet no one knew the full story. Here we are, days after finally getting the answers and none of you say or do anything! You're too busy living in your own fantasy land, Katara is walking on eggshells around me and Sokka? Don't even get me started on you because out of everyone here I really thought you would help me! You three abandoned me in my time of need when I have been there for you time and time again to save your asses! And now one of you finally asks me why I've been virtually silent for days on end?!" Rein screamed at the three people standing around her. 

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