The Attack on the Southern Tribe

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     After Rein and Katara finished helping Gram Gram with cleaning up, Katara went to hunt penguins to sled on with Aang while Rein remained in the village

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After Rein and Katara finished helping Gram Gram with cleaning up, Katara went to hunt penguins to sled on with Aang while Rein remained in the village. She found herself cozied up with Appa, watching the sun set overhead. Kireina was trying her best not to have a mental breakdown after hearing that her entire kind is wiped out. But at the hands of the Fire Nation? Where did everything go wrong?

Rein sat up and scanned the village from her spot. She was looking for one person in particular. Finally, emerging from his tent, Sokka appeared. He stretched his arms over his head, a yawn escaping his mouth.

"Sokka!" Kireina called. She waved him over.

He pointed to himself, "Me?"

She rolled her eyes and laughed, "Is there another Sokka here?" Sokka shrugged and strolled over to Rein.

"What's up?"

"Do you want to hang out with me for a bit? I'm lonely with Aang being gone." Rein asked, patting the spot next to her on Appa's tail. Sokka complied, planting himself next to her. She didn't have to ask him twice. "I think Aang and I were in that iceberg longer than we thought, Sok."

Sokka's heart jumped when she gave him a nickname. "What makes you think that?"

"When we left the Temple, it was untouched. All the nations lived in harmony." Rein sighed, "There wasn't a war..."

"Uh... are you saying you're over a hundred years old? Am I hearing you right?" He was in disbelief. "But I don't understand how you two and Appa survived that long."

Oh, easy my brother is the Avatar.

Rein shrugged, pretending she had no clue. A bright burst of light lit up the sky followed by smoke. Sokka shot up from his spot, pulling Rein up with him.

"What is that?" Kireina asked.

"Your brother just signaled the Fire Navy! The whole time you two were leading them to us, I knew it!" Sokka yelled, pointing his finger in her face.

Rein slapped his hand away. "Did you forget everything we just talked about or are you just stupid?" Sokka frowned and rubbed his hand. "You and Katara were the ones that woke us, where did Aang and I communicate with the Fire Navy during this, Sokka? I have been with you this whole time you idiot!"

"Okay, so you didn't purposely call the Fire Navy but you still did it!" He barked, glaring at Rein.

"You know what Sokka? You're right, from here beside you I triggered a Fire Navy signal, I am just that talented at airbending. Did you even see me do it or am I that good?"

"Well there's no need for the sarcasm.." Sokka huffed, turning away childishly. Rein shoved past him when she saw her younger brother walking towards the village.

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