A New World

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Book One | Water

     "Kireina, wake up

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"Kireina, wake up."

"Is she dead?"


Rein groaned as she suddenly awoke, gasping for air. The boy standing in front of her yelped and fell backwards, out of sight. She crawled to the end of the slope, gazing at the tan skinned boy as he sputtered the snow from his mouth.

"Are you okay?" Rein asked, holding out her hand to assist him back up the ice. A blush formed on his cheeks as he stared at her, raising his hand to grab hers.

"Rein!" Aang cheered, tackling his sister in a bear hug thus causing the boy to once again fall down the icy hill.

"Hey! You know what, I'll just wait down here until you guys are done your little reunion." He huffed, planting his butt in the snow.

Rein returned the hug, not knowing what for. She looked at her surroundings, confusion swallowing her whole. Her eyes landed on a girl standing behind Aang, putting two and two together Kireina assumed she and the boy were related in some sort.

"What's going on?" Rein questioned, pulling away from her brother. "Did we crash land?"

"You two were frozen in this block of ice." The girl finally spoke.

"Do you guys live around here?" Aang asked as he pet Appa.

The boy came running around the corner, pointing his spear at the 12 year old. "Don't answer that! Did you see that crazy bolt of light? They were probably trying to signal the Fire Navy."

Rein stepped protectively in front of her brother, glaring at ponytail guy. "I suggest you put down your weapon." She growled.

The young girl quickly diffused the situation by answering her brother, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, yeah. I'm sure they're spies for the Fire Navy. You can tell by that evil look in their eyes."

Rein remained in front of Aang, arms crossed while her little brother innocently smiled. She kept her eyes trained on the weapon, thinking of ways she could air bend him miles away.

"The paranoid one is my brother Sokka and I'm Katara."

Katara opened her mouth to speak again but Rein decided to make her move. She quickly swung her arm to the side, the air ripping the spear from Sokka's hand and sending it flying across the ice. Sokka's mouth fell open, followed by a pout.

"You're an airbender?!" She yelped, paying no mind to her sulking brother.

"We sure are!" Aang chirped proudly.

Rein couldn't help but wonder why Katara seemed so shocked by that. It was obvious they were in the South Pole which is water bender territory but surely they've met some air benders before, right?

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