Chapter 41

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Siblings can be wildly protective. They have that 'no one can mess with my family but me,' energy. A mamma bear level of tenderness for the people who are in their litter, while wielding a ferocious wildness that will scratch a threat to pieces when said threat gets too close to the ones mamma bear calls their own. 

And although that protectiveness can leave the one that is being protected feeling safe and taken care of, a hospital bedroom was hardly the place for two alpha sibling protectors to have a  match of wits, or fists. 

Delle and Aiden— from what I had seen of him, were both terribly stubborn people. And at the moment, that was the most dangerous trait they bost possessed as they glared daggers at each other. 

They were one word away from breaking into attack mode like a pair of wolves from rival packs, determined to protect their own members. 

Aiden's eyes shifted to look at me, but quickly snapped back to Delle's when she blocked off his view by blocking his access to my hospital bed. "If you even look at my sister sideways again, I will kill you and make it look like an accident," she promised.

"Delle!" I called. "That's just his natural expression. Calm down!" 

She turned and raised a brow. "You just chill. I've got this." 

I scrambled from the bed, knowing full well that Delle's way of handling things would involve Aiden's head through the wall. But before I could get more than a foot away from the bed, I was suddenly yanked to a stop when my arm got tangled up in a morphine drip. Oh, come on! 

Yanking the IV bag along with me on its wheels, I stumbled between them, hoping to act like a buffer. Which was the most unnatural thing in the world to ask of me. I wasn't a peacekeeper. I was a fire starter, a fighter, a girl who punched first. And the sudden demand for me to be the well-adjusted one was infuriating. 

"I can't believe you are both making ME be the sane one right now!" I snapped looking between them. "I'm on medication!" I turned and leveled Delle with a stare. "He's just frustrated and scared. Just let the dude bark. No sense in stooping to his idiotic level."

Then I whirled and glared at Aiden. "And you! You shouldn't be shouting at people in the hospital in the first place! It's bad form! I know you are angry. I am too. But yelling at me doesn't fix anything! It just makes you look like an ass." 

I looked between them again. "Now cool your jets because I am about to fall over and if I do, I am ripping the hospital bill down the middle and sending it to both of you to pay for my potential injuries!" 

Like mirror images of each other, Delle and Aiden each took a step back, taking in deep breaths, yanking themselves from their domineering stances. 

"OH MY GOSH," I heard Misty squeak as someone new entered the room. 

"Aiden?" Laliana asked looking between the three of us. "What's going on? Allie, why are you out of bed?" 

Game over.

I had to fight a smirk as Aiden's entire body language changed as he watched Laliana walk into the room. The fight left his body, replaced with a warm exterior, eyes only for her. The rest of us had vanished the moment he saw Laliana. It was like his world had gotten its sun back. 

"It's Laliana Summers!" Misty squeaked from behind her hands, still at the doorway, eyes wide in awe.

"Everything's fine," I said when no one else offered an explanation after a very long silence. "Laliana, these are my sisters." 

"I'M MISTY!" Misty said before hiding back behind the doorway, completely flustered by her own inability to look even remotely calm. 

"I'm Delle Falls," she replied with a quick nod in Laliana's direction before staring back at Aiden with a heated expression. "Oldest sister, black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and detective by trade," she added for good measure.

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