Chapter 48

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Humans are exhausting. That's how I know I am an introvert. It's not that hate people, I just hate fake niceties, small talk about the weather, traffic, and the entire idea of being forced to talk to someone who is standing too close to me.

But more than that, it just takes too long to form real connections with people. And sometimes, you don't even know if you like certain people until you've thrown away too much time on them. I hate wasting time, and I am not known for being a patient human.

But in the situation I was currently in, I couldn't just brush off human interaction, call it a night, and head home to where I wouldn't be roped into awkward weather conversation. I was going to have to pull out what little energy I had for human interaction with someone I barely knew and make it last. And even more than that, it was with Laurence Royal, a man I was supposed to be on a realistic— however fake date with, and a man I had passionately kissed, then insulted by telling him I thought I was kissing someone else.

This is going to be a disaster.

Laurence and I stared through the back window of the car, up at a bright neon sign for a club called 'SNACKS.'

"Do you think they serve food here, or is it just a name that implies that everyone inside is someone worthy of snacking on?" I muttered up at the sign, hoping it was the former.

Laurence squinted up at the club. "No idea... And I really don't want to find out, but this is the right place."

Aiden snorted, eyeing the club sign warily. "A ridiculous name for a ridiculous place." He pulled the car to a stop at the curb packed with cameras and a line of people waiting to get inside.

"Remember," Aiden said turning around to look at both of us. "You gotta make it big and you gotta make it look real for this to work. I'll be nearby if things get out of hand. And I promised Tate and Laliana I'd intervene if you need backup."

"I won't need backup," I assured him.

"Good because that will make things complicated." He nodded towards the door. "Best of luck Winters. Try to pretend you don't hate this."

I rolled my eyes. Easier said than done.

"You ready?" I asked Laurence.

He shook his head. "Not in the slightest."

I placed what I hoped was a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Just breathe and pretend the cameras aren't there. I'll be with you the whole time."

He pushed the door open and we were dumped out into the night, his hand finding mine and holding on in a vice grip of terror. 

I elbowed him in the ribs in what I hoped would look playful to the cameras and not like an irritated, instinctual reaction. "Don't cut off all blood circulation. Kinda need my hands."

Laurence loosened his grip slightly, looking sheepish as he squinted down at me, trying to see past the camera flashes, lashes casting shadows across his cheeks. "Sorry."

"It's okay Royal. Seriously. There is no easy way to handle a bunch of strobe light-wielding yahoos that scream questions at you that are only appropriate... well, never," I replied with a tired smile. 

Laurence laughed, voice cutting out the voices and flashes for a brief moment, bringing in a moment of sanity. "You are funny Ms. W— Allie," he said as we reached the door. 

I shrugged. "Enjoy the rare comedic moment. Now, try not to look too surprised by what I am about to do."

I took a deep breath, pulling Laurence to a stop, and placed my hand on his chest, sparking a startled blush across his cheeks. Turning, I smiled at the sudden set of wild flashes from the paparazzi. My smile was dangerous, mischievous, pretending to hold a flirtatious secret. Then I yanked Laurence into the club by his shirt, leaving the first wave of cameras behind us. 

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