Chapter 46

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Katherine handed out hot chocolate with generous helpings of whip cream and marshmallows while Delle stood before the rest of us, flipping through her worn-out notebook with a focused expression. Everyone was shoved into Katherine's small living room filled with warm colors, an endless supply of fuzzy blankets, small pillows, and countless family pictures.

No matter where my eyes landed, I would see pictures of Tate, Iz, and Aiden growing up before my eyes. An inside look at the loving family they had been a part of, leaving me feeling hollow, missing the family I had lost.

Laliana caught my expression, one that hadn't meant to be seen, and we shared a look of understanding. One that told me more about the grief she hid behind her smile. One that told me she had lost family too. One that told me she had been alone. We were very different people, but underneath the smiles, we held the same grief. And now she was being welcomed into the Dalton's warm home like she had always belonged. 

Maybe... I can have that too. I pushed the thought away, now was not the time to dream. 

Iz, Laliana, and Misty sat on a love seat that was meant for two people. On one side, Iz insisted that she was warm enough every time Katherine attempted to wrap another blanket around her, while Misty did her best not to stare at Laliana like an excited fangirl on the other end, grinning from ear to ear. Misty could hardly believe she was sitting so close to one of her favorite authors. 

I smiled, enjoying the excitement radiating off of her like a strobe light. Breathe girl. Don't pass out. 

With the small love seat completely booked by Laliana and her fans, I was left on a couch across from them, sitting between Tate and Aiden. Something I love and hated in equal measure. 

Delle stood in front of the fireplace, looking at her notes as she pushed her wild red curls out of her face. Once Katherine had assured everyone had a hot chocolate, or a chai in Aiden's case, she left the room, having little interest in the conversation about attempted murder. 

"Okay," Delle said pulling everyone's attention to the front of the room. "Let's start with what we know." 

She wrote something down, ripped it out of her notebook, and after attaching it to a piece of tape, slammed it with dramatic flair up against the fireplace banister. We all leaned forward in unison, trying to see what she wrote. 

"I... don't really know what I'm looking at," Tate admitted. 

"Yeah... is it an ocean wave?" Laliana asked. 

"No, a snake!" Iz guessed. 

"A worm?" Misty added.

Delle crossed her arms. "What? No. This isn't charades! It's a number. It's the number two." 

I tilted my head to the side. "You really need to work on your handwriting." 

Misty squinted at the number. "Yeah, that's pretty bad sis." 

"Why did you draw a number to signify poop?" Tate asked, barely able to hold back a smile.

"Yeah, if you need to go to the bathroom, you didn't have to announce it, you can just go," Iz added, covering her mouth as she and Tate began to roar with laughter.

"Let's get back on track here!" Delle snapped, trying to lasso everyone back as more laughter filled the room.

"Based on detailed reports I took from Allie, Iz, and... Laurence before we let him out of jail," Delle added with an amused grin, "All the details from the attack point to at least two people working together." 

"At least?" Tate asked with wide eyes. He turned and looked at me with a raised brow, lips tugging up at the corners. "How many enemies do you have Fire Hydrant Girl?" 

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