Chapter Three

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Roan watched in awe as Kai continued his presentation in French class. Kai was probably the only student who was as fluent in the language as the teacher, owing his thanks to his French father.

Kai was talented. In more things than one. One of his talents lied in his fluency in four languages. English, of course because they lived in America. French because of his father, and Hindi because of his Indian mother. Kai had also been learning Spanish from a tutor outside school since he was about eleven, and he was pretty fluent in that too now.

Kai spent every summer in France with his father and his family, and visited India the last week of summer when his mother would take an off from work. His father was an author, so he could work remotely and had no trouble accompanying his son to his home town.

Kai's parents met when his mother was studying for a year abroad in France. The two met at a cute café where his father worked part time, and according to them it was love at first sight. Roan had heard their story exactly fifteen times, every year on their anniversary party that he had been attending since he was three or four.

Roan's moms had a completely opposite love story, yet equally as loving. They had been neighbours and best friends since they were babies, and watched each other get into several failed relationships with men. Until they realised that men quite didn't cut it out for them since they were, well, gay.

Then they watched each other be with women, which once again didn't work out till they realised it was because the two were head over heels for each other and just didn't know that. Now, after twenty five years of being friends, eight years of being together, and fifteen years of being married, they were still very much in love.

This was a love story that Roan heard every week, yet he never got tired of it.

Roan gave Kai a small nod, telling him that he did a good job once the brunette was done with his presentation and took his usual seat next to his best friend. The two didn't need words, Kai knew what Roan had meant without them.

Roan glanced to his side to watch Kai as the boy went over his notes to make sure he didn't miss out any points in his presentation. Roan was suddenly hit by how hot, no, how beautiful his best friend was.

Kai truly was gorgeous, his honey coloured skin and eyes, and his dark curly hair that the boy always had struggle styling. His cute little button nose, his high cheekbones, the tiny mole right beside his left eye, and his lips.. Goddamn his lips.

Roan was hot, and he knew it. But he also knew that he was the type of guy that people wanted to fuck. But Kai was the type of person that you would want to love and cherish till your very last breath.

Roan had never looked at Kai this way before. But something changed ever since they kissed about two weeks back. It wasn't just the kiss itself, but the fact that Kai had gotten hard from it that caused the change in Roan's perception. The two didn't talk about it, their friendship went back to normal, but this was something that was continuously at the back of Roan's mind.

Roan had pretty much always known that he was attracted to any and all genders. In fact, being straight was something that he didn't understand. People could be just so beautiful, how could someone not find them attractive simply because of their gender?

But Kai was straight. Or atleast that's what he always said. Then why had he gotten hard when the two boys kissed? Was he turned on before Roan even came over? Maybe he was just horny? Maybe it was a random boner? Or maybe he was pretending that it was someone else kissing him?

The thought of anyone else kissing Kai suddenly made Roan shift in his seat in discomfort. Fuck, he thought, what was happening to him? Why was he thinking about his best friend in such a way?

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