Chapter Sixteen

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"And we danced all night to the best song ever!" Kai screamed as Roan wrapped his arms around him to stop him from climbing on a table.

"And I'm cutting you off." Roan chuckled. The two boys ended up joining a group of college students who were at the beach celebrating a birthday. The girl whose birthday it was, was both drunk and rich, so she kept the drinks coming on her tab.

The only thing better than alcohol was free alcohol, so ofcourse, soon enough, Roan was tipsy and Kai was hammered.

"Which college do you guys go to again?" Shei, one of the people they were partying with asked the two.

"We're high school seniors, but we both are going to—" Roan was cut off by Shei.

"Oh god I remember my senior year," Shei sighed, "Shit was so much simpler in high school. I was dating the captain of the football team and my biggest worry was not getting caught when I was making out with his best friend."

"Hey, Roan's the football captain too." Kai bragged.

"You are?" Shei asked as she glanced Roan from head to toe, making Kai frown.

"Afraid he's already taken though, missy." Kai said as he wrapped an arm around Roan's shoulder, making the blond roll his eyes.

Shei laughed and raised her arms in defeat as she turned to talk to one of her friends. A few more beers later, Roan decided that it was time to call it a night and head back to their room. It was a bit of a struggle to convince Kai to leave, but eventually both of them stumbled safely back to the hotel.

They quickly stripped off their clothes and got into the queen sized bed, dozing off in an instant.


Roan woke up to a million missed calls from Betty, and he sighed as he finally called her back. Kai was still asleep and lightly snoring, so Roan walked out in the balcony to talk.

"You better have a very good explanation for why you lied to us!" Betty said as soon as she picked up.

"I texted mom where I was last night." Roan answered.

"After you had already driven down!" Betty said, "And she only told me this morning, she knew I would've dragged you back home last night itself if I had known."

"I'm alive, mom."

"You better be or I would've resurrected you just to give you a piece of my mind." Betty scolded.

"You can do that once I'm home," Roan paused before mumbling the second half, "And not hungover."

"I heard that!"

"I'll be back soon. See you. Love you. Bye." Roan said quickly before hanging up.

Roan walked back into the room, he stopped for a second to look over at his best friend who was passed out without a care of the world. Roan walked closer to him and bent down, brushing the few strands of hair that were covering his forehead and reaching his eyes. Kai usually kept his hair trimmed, but he was letting it grow for the first time and Roan quite liked how long hair looked on the brunette.

Roan sighed, and then stood up straight and turned around. He went to the bathroom and took a long hot shower. When he returned back to the room and dressed up, Kai was still asleep so he finally decided to wake up him.

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