Chapter Thirty Eight

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Roan sat on the couch, staring at the clock in front of him. Kai was going to be home from work any moment now, and Roan was feeling a little nervous. He wasn't used to feeling this way, which made him all the more jittery.

The last year had been hard on Kai, Roan was aware of that. Moving to a new city, his parents divorce, losing his childhood home, stress about deciding his major, and assignments and exams and so on. The boy maintained a smile on his face most days, but Roan could tell that he was exhausted. And all the blonde wanted to do was remind him of the good times.

Roan stood up as soon as he heard the sound of the keys, and then door opened and closed. Kai was looking down at his phone as he walked inside the living room, unaware that Roan was even home.

"Ro— Wait, what.." Kai was taken aback as he noticed his surroundings.

Roan had shifted the table in their living room to the corner, and there was a blanket on the floor in front of the couch. It was set up like a picnic with a cheese board and a bottle of wine. There were fairy lights hung around the room, giving it a dim yellow glow, combined with a few candles that were lit all throughout the room.

Kai's eyes widened even more when he saw a projector set up on the wall across from the couch. Kai opened his mouth to say something but shut it when he couldn't find the words.

"Hi honey." Roan greeted.

"Hi? What? What's going on?" Kai asked as he kept his bag down.

"I planned a date for us." Roan answered.

"Yeah, no shit," Kai said with a laugh, "This is all.. Oh my god did you look through my pinterest?"

"Nah, I just channeled my inner white girl," Roan replied, "After stalking your pinterest, of course."

"You idiot," Kai's cheeks flushed red as he walked towards his boyfriend, "You did all this for me?"

"No," Roan deadpanned, "I did it for my other imaginary boyfriend."

"I would be mad at your sarcasm but I'm in too much awe of you right now so will you please kiss me before I melt?" Kai asked.

"Your wish is my command." Roan replied as he took the final step towards Kai before connecting their lips.

Kai placed his hand on Roan's cheek, as Roan wrapped his around Kai's waist to pull the boy closer as they kissed. The kiss was long, but sweet and gentle. The two pulled back to breath, but didn't let go of each other as they rested their forehead against one another's.

"I can't believe you did all this for me." Kai whispered.

"There's some more in store for you tonight." Roan said.

"Yeah?" Kai asked, Roan replied with a nod, "Where did you get the projector from?"

"Flirted with the president of the film club." Roan admitted, making Kai chuckle.

"I give you full permission to flirt with people so that you can set up cute little dates for me," Kai replied, "What are we watching?"

"The one movie that changed our world when we first saw it. A true cinematic masterpiece.." Roan hinted, and Kai took a step back, his eyes slightly wide in recognition.

"Really? We're really going to watch.."


"Twilight!" Kai grinned.

"Hold on tight, spider-monkey." Roan smirked, making Kai laugh louder.

Roan's laptop was already connected to the projector, and he had set everything up beforehand, all he had to do was press play. The two boys sat on the blanket, resting their backs against the couch as Roan opened the bottle of wine and poured two glasses.

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