02 | snowdrops

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Louise Glück.

Do you know what I was, How I lived?
You know what despair is: then
winter should have meaning for you

I did not expect to survive,
earth suppressing me. I didn't expect
to waken again, to feel
in damp earth my body
able to respond again, remembering
after so long how to open again
in the cold light
of earliest spring—

afraid, yes, but among you again
crying yes risk joy

in the raw wind of the new world.


November left quickly, bringing December's bitter term behind it. Snow covered in footsteps, branches covered in frost and windows with ice in the corners: Hermione's heart would've swollen up to the size of a bludger at the sight when she was younger, now her fingers were blue and she cursed the skies for causing her discomfort. Winter came too quickly and when it arrived it wrapped the witch up in it's own idea of wicked fun. She'd never felt so cold, Winter left the world feeling desolate.

The Burrow was decked out for Christmas, strings of fairylights and garlands hung in every corner, covering the ceilings and banisters. Mrs. Weasley had insisted that Hermione joined them for Ginny's return for the Christmas holidays which would involve a roast dinner and a-lot of butterbeer and so Hermione accepted, and sat at the kitchen table on her own, nursing a cup of tea in her hands.

Ginny had been required to return to Hogwarts for a final year to finish up her exams, and so she went with Luna,  and Hermione was thrilled for her friends. They deserved a year at Hogwarts which was undisturbed and danger-free. Merlin only knows that Hermione craved that and so when the opportunity came for her friends she nearly put them onto the train and drove them to Scotland herself.

Hermione took a sip of her tea and watched as Mrs. Weasley wandered in and out of the kitchen, checking on dinner and cleaning as she went. "How have you been, dear?" The older witch asked, finally settling down in one of the dining chairs by Hermione. Hermione smiled softly at the woman and nodded her head briefly. "I've been okay. Just keeping myself busy with work and what-not. It's really the only thing that keeps my mind off of... Well, you know." Hermione looked down at her lap and her shoulders fell slightly.

Mrs. Weasley took Hermione's hand in her own and gave it a small squeeze. "You are a smart and beautiful witch, Hermione. Arthur and I are so proud of you for being strong and so full of love and courage." Hermione felt her eyes tear up as she watched Mrs. Weasley. "You are one of my own, and this house is yours just as much as it is mine." The older woman's words rang through the kitchen before she pulled out her handkerchief from her apron and used it to wipe away the girls tears. "Ginny will be here soon, sweetheart. Shall we have George make us a pot of tea?" Mrs. Weasley grinned at Hermione and stood up before she could answer and left the kitchen to find her son.

Hermione collected herself and stood up from her chair and she cleaned out her cup. Mrs. Weasley always knew what to say. Hermione knew that The Weasley's would always be home, but  she also knew that the idea invited little room for change and that brought heaviness to Hermione's chest but the feeling disappeared when the kitchen flashed green.

Ginny stepped out of the Floo Network followed closely by Luna and Hermione tackled both girls with a hug. The two girls pulled Hermione closer. "Mione" Ginny whispered and pulled back, hands still on her shoulders. "I missed you so much".

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