meeting Rip

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Age 12
I sat on the fence watching some of our horses run in the pasture. Among them was my mom's black horse. It had been 6 years since she passed  away. Beth had stepped up and into a mother role. Witch, I was thankful for. I couldn't even imagine what Lee would do if I went to him with my first period. The thought made me chuckle. The only bad thing was Beth was trying to get me to become a girly girl. That wasn't  going to happen. She put me in a dress. That didn't last long, so she forgot about it.

I watched as the wranglers came back from the field telling me it was time to put the horses up. I slipped off the fence and went over to the fence post where we keeped the halters. I went over and grabbed them. I noticed one was missing. It belonged to the black horse. That was when  I finally noticed a guy by the post. In his hand was the halter.

"Excuse me. I need that halter." I said. He finally turned to look at me. His black hair hung in curlers over his forehead. His nose looked a little too big on his face. Freckles were scattered on his face. He looks about 14 ish. I felt my heart go to my throat. What was wrong with me? He was pretty cute. I felt my words catch in my throat. Did I have a crush on him? No. I'd only just meet him. I didn't even know his name.

"Why?" I just stared at him till my brain comprehended he had told me something.

"It my job to bring the horses in." I said as i jerked my head towards the pasture. All the horse were lined up at the gate waiting for me to bring them in. He looked at me then to the horses.

"You're too short." I scoffed at that.

"You must be new. But here is some advice. Never doubt me and never say I can't do it because I'll prove you wrong every damn time." He studied me looking confused.

"You got a name?" I said, smiling up at him.

"Rip Wheeler." He stuck his hand out. I grabbed it and shook it.

"I'm Carly Dutton. Follow me. You can help me. You'll have to learn how to do this so i might as well teach you now." I walked away. I looked over my shoulder. He was still standing there. "Come on. I ain't going to bite you!" I said, sending him a smile. He shook his head with a chuckle and followed me.  I was proud of myself that I made him laugh well sort of.

We crawled through the fence. I showed him how to halter the horse. I opened the gate, and we led them through and towards the stable. I put the black horse into the stall.

"Is something wrong with this horse?"

"Hum?" I looked at him puzzled.

"When you put it away, a sad look came over your face. Is he hurt or something?"

"No, it ain't hurt. This is the horse that killed my mother."

"That's sucks."

"Little bit." I smiled to try to lighten the mood.

"Carly!" My dad called.

"See ya." I said with a smile and a wave. He smiled and waved back.

The next morning, I was out cleaning stalls when Rip walked in. "Um, could you help me?"

"Sure with what?" I said, putting the pitch fork down and wiping my hands on my pants.

"I don't know how to saddle a horse."

"Alright, I'll teach ya." I got out a ranch horse that was perfect for beginners. We then went and found him a saddle. "Alright, swing the saddle up and on to the pad." I said as I smoothed the pad down. As he did, the saddle hit his chest. He flinched and clinched his teeth together. But he got it up there. "Let me see."

"See what?" He snapped at me. I didn't let it phase me.

"The brand." He glared at me, pulled his shirt down to show me. It was fresh. Probley 2 day old. It looked red and irritable.

"Ask Lloyd for some cream."

"Do you have one?"

"Not yet. If you don't mind me asking, why did my dad brand you?"

"My father killed my mother and brother, so I killed him. John said this was my second chance."

"It is your second change. Plus, you got to meet me. That's a bonus." We both chuckle. I then finished showing him how to saddle a horse.

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