Beth's problem

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Age 13
I sat in my room filling out an application for a local rodeo. A knock came to my room. "Come in!" I called to the person on the other side of the door as I signed my name on the dotted line. I turned  my chair around to see who was here. Beth was standing in my door way and crying. "Beth what's the matter?" I asked as I went over to her. I wrapped her in a hug. She cried on my shoulder. I led her over to my bed and we sat down. I started rubbing circles on her back hoping to calm her down so she could tell me what was happening.

"Beth what's going on? Your scaring me." She handed me this tube like thing. It was a pregnancy test. It had two lines witch ment she was pregnant. "Tod?" I asked. Tod was her boyfriend.  She nodded her head yes.

"Carly what am I going to do?"

"Beth I think we need somebody else. Like Jamie or Lee." Beth nodded her head. We headed down stairs. There sat Jamie at the table. I pushed Beth to go talk to him.

"I know a clinic." He said after she explained. Jamie drove us to the clinic. I sat with Beth in the truck as Jamie went to go talk to the doctor.

"I'm scared Carly."

"It's going to be ok. Everything will be fine."

"Ok Beth let's go." Jamie said. I gave her a hug. I squeezed her hand. "I'll be right here." She nodded and squeeze my hand back. They both then went in.

I was leaned up on the truck as Jamie came out. "She's in recovery.  She should be out soon. But I got to tell you something. The only way for them to fix it was to take it all out."

"What do you mean all out?" I said as I pushed my body off the truck.

"All her female organs are out. She can't have any kids." I closed my eyes and saw red. My sister wouldn't be able to have kids. That would break her heart. I clinched my hand in to a fist. My fist collided with his face.  He fell on the ground.

"How fucking could you!?" I screamed at him.

"I didn't have a choice." He said standing up. I punched him again. Down he went.

"There is always another choice! You should have told her! She could have decided."

"What's going on?" Beth asked as she came out.  I grabbed a hold of Jamie's ear.

"Tell her." I demanded.

"Beth you can't get pregnant  anymore. They took all your organs out." I watched the look of shock and horror come over her face. I let go of Jamie's ear and went over to her. I wrapped her in a hug.

"I'll never forgive you." She said looking at him then got in the truck.

It was dark by the time we got back to the ranch. I went and held Beth as she cried her self to sleep. I quietly closed her door. I started walking down the hall way. I wasn't watching where I was going and ran in to Lee.

"Hey bug." He said. He then took notice of my hand. It was cracked. Dried blood was on it. It was swollen a bit and was brusing. "What happen to your hand?" He asked as he led me to his bedroom.

As he cleaned my hand I explained what had happened. I knew Beth would want me to tell him. "I'm so sorry that you had to go through that bug." He said bringing me into a hug. I now let my tears flow. "I'm so sorry that you have to grow up so fast." He whispered. I  didn't think he want me to hear that last part but I did. We stayed wrapped in the hug for a bit before we let go.

I went outside and started towards the stable to go see Rip. His room was a small tack room in the stable. I didn't get why he didn't sleep in the bunk house. He had told me that he liked the privacy and didn't get along with some of the guys. Witch I got. There were so real douses in there.

"Hey darling where did you go to?" He asked. I went and sat by him on his cot. We had been dating for a about 2 months now.

"I can't tell you." He looked at me funny. "Have you ever had a secret that isn't yours?" He nodded this head. "That's what I have."

"Ok." He didn't say anything more about it. Instead he leaned in and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. My finger were tangled in his hair. I let out my anger and sadness out in the kiss.

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