Kill the Messenger part 1

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I had woken up later then usually. I quickly got dressed and chose to skip breakfast not really feeling like it. I stepped off the porch and started towards the barn. It had been two weeks since the funeral. It was hard but I knew I had to keep going on. That's what he would have wanted. Every once and a while I thought I would catch a glimpse of him. But I had to remind myself the hard truth. He was gone and wasn't coming back.

I went over to Star stall. As I petted her my brain started to work. Running her around those three barrels gave me so much damn joy. I loved it so much and I still wanted to compete. Even with out Lee being by my side. So that's what I would do. I had signed us up for a local rodeo this weekend.

I angled my body to the door as I heard footsteps aprouch. I watched  this guy come in. I remembered him coming up the drive that morning. But for the life of me I couldn't rember his name. He was skinny and was just a couple inches taller then me. He had no muscles on him. He looked either my age or a little bit younger. He had on a straw hat that you would get from Wal-Mart. He was staring at me like he had no better sense.

"What's your name kid?"


"I see. So your the new wrangler. I'm Carly Dutton. How's the brand doing?"

"It hurts like a bitch." I let out a chuckle at his honesty.

"I like your honesty. Ask Lloyd for some cream. We'll see you around Jimmy." I said with a wave of my hand.

"Ok. Thanks Miss. Dutton."

"Just Carly." I said as I walked out of the barn. It was crazy how long ago I told Rip the same thing about getting cream form Lloyd. I found Rip sitting on a fence watching my dad on that damn stallion that Kayce brought him. I climbed on the fence and sat by Rip. 

"Did you sleep ok?"

"Ya." I said with a shug.  I watched as the stallion started to rear. I closed my eyes not wanting to watch.

"He's going over!" Rip yelled. I closed my eyes tighter. I opened them to see if my dad was ok. Witch he was and was standing in front of us. "That's one rank son of a bitch right there. Ought to take him chest high in the river and see how much buck he's got then."

"No. This one may surprise you. Look he's my best god damed friend." Dad replied.

"Well, you want me to give him a go?" I gave Rip a look. He didn't need to get hurt for a sliver of my dad's approval. Before I could open my mouth my dad beat me to it.

"No hell no. This is a job for a young one with rubber bones."

"That horse will make a hand out of someone." I could see Rip get an idea then look over to where Jimmy was shoveling.

"Rip no." I said as I finally got what he was thinking.

"He's got to learn hon. I'll be right back." I watched him go knowing I couldn't  change his mind. I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. Today was going to be a long day. I watched as they taped Jimmy on the horse. Ryan and Colby came and sat next to me on the fence.

"20 bucks on the horse." Ryan said.

"I got 40 on the wall." Colby said back.

"Really you two? Do you have to beat on every damn thing?"

"Yes. It's part of our nature." I rolled my eyes but let out a little chuckle. I watched as the horse bucked with Jimmy on him. I wasn't going to stay and watch so I slipped off the fence.

"Don't you two have work to do?" I asked the two boys. They slowly climbed off the fence.

"Yes mother."

"Well somebody has to keep the two of you in line. I guess I was just lucky enough to get picked." I said with a wink as I walked off. 

I was in one of our many large arenas working with a 4 year old colt. I was teaching him how to cut cows today by using a black grocery sack. He was picking it up very well. I decided that I would keep the little colt for my ranch horse. So I decided to call him Sprite. It was getting close to sunset when I pulled him to a stop after cooling him down. I walked him over to the round pen where Jimmy and the stallion still were. The horse was walking around tiredly.  If Jimmy wasn't taped on he would have fell over hours ago. I noticed Rip on the fence watching them. I rode over to him.

"Rip. Isn't that enough?" He looked at me threw his sunglasses. I hate when he wore them because I couldn't tell what he was thinking. Since I couldn't see his eyes. " Rip please?" He got off the fence and stopped the horse. I watched as he helped Jimmy off. He fell on the ground. I got off the colt as Rip got on the stallion. I decided that I had watched enough so I went to the sable. I unsaddled and brushed Sprite out and put him back in the stall with food.

I watched as a shaky legged Jimmy brought the stallion in. I took him from him and started to unsaddled him and brush him. Jimmy went and sat on a hay bale. His heads between his knees.

"You did good today Jimmy."

"Is everyday like this?" He squeaked out.

"Everyday is different Jimmy. But one thing that remains the same is the horses. There always here and we rely on them." I decided after a while that the horse was cooled enough to eat.  "Go eat Jimmy, take a hot shower, and rest up." He nodded and walked out.


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