Chapter Eight

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Jason could feel the tension in the darkness. Even with the little light from the hole he created, he felt all eyes were on him. In this context, he had many options and wasn't sure which to pick. One of the main purposes was to stop Luke or Greyson, but Luke would always come first.

"Get him out of here, Luke," Greyson ordered.

Before Jason could react, he felt Luke's noodle arm wrap around his ankle. He slammed his chin on the cement floor as he felt himself being dragged up a flight of stairs.

"You're looking pretty helpless there," Luke snarled.

Jason gritted his teeth and directed his hands at the arm, shooting his light, which released the grasp. He kept his hands out with the glowing light, where he wouldn't fail to see Luke.

"See, I'm glad you burned off this arm since that ugly thing gave me this special one," Luke said.

Jason barely saw the arm whip across his body, making him cry out in pain. According to Divina, god had been Ashley, which meant Luke got this noodle arm that acted as a whip.

"Once I'm done with you, I can move on to that slut," Luke said.

Jason staggered as he held out a wobbly hand to fire at Luke. He jumped away with a sadistic grin, his arm quick to slash him across the face. Although they had been dressed in winter gear, he could physically feel the wounds opening.

In the dark hallway, he couldn't hear anything besides his own breathing. "Does that hurt?" Luke taunted as the arm whipped him repeatedly.

Jason stumbled with blood running down his body, gritting his teeth. If he could completely burn that arm off, that'd help.

Bella still crept around here while it was evening. Jason could barely keep his eyes open as his brother was trying to turn the hydro back on. Why did he have to do all the saving? Could he just focus his mind back on something else?

"What's wrong, Dipstick? Too weak to fight?" Luke taunted, .

Jason shook his head while looking around the dark hallway. Even if he spotted Luke's outline, he had to think of an alternative. He wobbled as he stood, feeling the slashing with tears in his eyes. Aiming his hands, the blue light fired at his noodle arm as he attempted to dash away. It wasn't exactly working from the wounds of both Greyson and Luke. He held a hand on the wall, glanced back, and saw the arm spasm wildly.

"Can't go running, Dipstick," Luke sneered.

"Neither can you, Lukey," Esme called as she went rushing by. "Think you can keep me down?" she circled around him.

When Jason spotted Esme, she had a large gash across her face. It bled as it dripped down her cheek, but she didn't care.

"Yeah," he snarled as he whipped at her, before she sped away as he hit the floor.

"Want another makeover?" Esme urged, speeding past him.

"It looks like I already gave you one," Luke snarled.

Esme came speeding from the darkness to bodycheck Luke on the ground. Part of it worked, but he whipped her with his arm as she screamed. Jason looked around and aimed at the ceiling as a small part burned and fell on Luke. He stumbled over as they looked at Luke, who was now unconscious.

"There you are," Jade said, coming from the opposite direction with Bella. "Did you kill him?" Bella gripped his arm so tightly that he winced at the pressure.

Jason wondered if he actually did, given the way he laid flat. Strangely, that noodle arm still twitched even as blood oozed on the floor. If Luke had been dead, that'd be one less problem around here. That still left the snowstorm, Ashley, illness, Greyson, and food.

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