Chapter Twenty-Seven

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They made love frequently in her bedroom, but there was still a problem. Scarlett rushed out of bed in the morning to vomit in the toilet. This was one thing she did not like about being pregnant. It was the constant morning sickness as she used her hand to flush the toilet.

It would be easier if she had been experiencing period symptoms like cramps, but not every pregnancy symptom they explain in sex education class.

"You okay?" Greyson called from the bed as she wiped her mouth with a towel.

"Yeah, it's probably just the flu," Scarlett said.

This wasn't a planned pregnancy. It was a slip because the only thoughts then were desire and love. None about the risks when you don't take your birth control or use condoms.

The first time they made love here, she woke up with nausea and swollen breasts. It was like all the symptoms came rushing at her like a train.

Did that mean the fetus stopped the storm the moment it all happened? It wouldn't have even been a full day since implantation would have happened. If all that's true, what is this child capable of? Would it end up being a high rank, or what Divina and Ashley are now?

Greyson set his hand on her forehead, which she assumed meant he wondered if she had the illness. Any person would guess the flu, but not pregnancy.

"Here, I'll shower quickly, and maybe that will help," she said, turning on the glass shower.

When she felt the warm water slide down her skin, she closed her eyes. "Cindy probably knows something you can take," Greyson said.

Cindy may know if she did have the flu, but no medication could stop the truth. She may be nagged about figuring out this mutant pregnancy since there are so many unanswered questions.

"Maybe," she called, washing her hair with some fancy shampoo brand she had never heard of.

When she finished and turned off the shower, Greyson handed her two towels as he eyed her. She dried herself off and started brushing her wet hair.

"You aren't pregnant, right?" Greyson asked awkwardly.

"I'm not," Scarlett said, staring at him in the wide mirror.

She wanted to protect her baby, so him not knowing was a safer option to begin with.

The back of her neck still ached from the skin being torn away. Brushing her thumb over it, she could feel her skin feeling particularly dry and hard. It had been a couple weeks since that happened, and it still hadn't healed.

"Does it still hurt?" Greyson asked.

"Yeah, not as bad," Scarlett said, lifting her hair for him to see.

It has ached, especially since she has been having all these weird changes in her body. Who knew pregnancy could be such a bitch?

Scarlett felt Greyson's thumb on the back of her neck, but she didn't say anything. She's getting the luxury of keeping Greyson pacified at the same time. Even if Cindy keeps nagging at her about the pregnancy and how it's dangerous to still make love.

She dropped her hair, turning back to brushing it. Both of them grabbed clean undergarments and soft white robes and headed downstairs. When they got downstairs, the first thing Scarlett saw was River, cleaning leftover potatoes off the grey wall.

"I thought you said you weren't coming." Scarlett blurted out the words before she could stop herself.

"I wasn't," River said, holding a rag. If he wasn't coming back, then that meant someone had come for them.

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