Chapter Twelve

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Mark buried yet another dead body beneath a large snowdrift. He couldn't dig a hole in the grass, but he squinted when he covered the body with snow. Those around them were dying like flies, leaving them exhausted. He wondered what Jason had been doing.

The two haven't mandated any teamwork. Jason had a high rank, while he had none. Stumbling his way to Burger King, he opened the door, meeting Nelson's eyes. This place barely had any food after teaming up with Nevaeh. At least he and Jason had hung out there.

"How are things?" Nelson asked.

Mark sighed. "Rough, dude. People keep dying off, and we don't have hydro."

"Did anyone find out the cause?" Nelson asked, shaking in his red winter coat.

"Hanna hasn't ruled anything out, but we call it ID, or inflammatory death," Mark said.

He was surprised that he hadn't caught this illness yet. The air has been freezing, but he had a cold. Unlike those stuck in the infirmary, he wasn't coughing up blood or body parts.

"How's business going?" Mark asked.

"Unpopular since the blizzard started," he said. "I'm pretty sure I've seen a child go flying in the wind."

"You don't wanna see the infirmary, dude. It's basically a maze," Mark stated.

Feeling violent shaking inside the building, it felt like a ride from Canada's Wonderland. The whole building shook while Nelson stared around in panic.

"Is someone shaking it?" he panicked, but taking a step made him wobbly.

"Feels like it," Mark said, then saw something from a distance. "Dude, the ceiling is gonna collapse!"

Nelson spun around as small titbits began to fall as he rushed to the back, calling out to some people. Mark watched it crack, until the point where the whole dining room ceiling had a crack in the shape of a cross. At that moment, the ceiling flew off instead of collapsing. He put his scarf and hood up automatically, snow blowing into the place.

"We're coming!" He heard a muffled voice and searched in the snowy area. Nelson came stumbling over with a young girl and boy.

"You can't fall at all," Mark warned.

All of them rushed out, watching from a distance as the whole building crashed down. It was as if it were made of paper and someone had blown on it.

"Now, where do we go?" Nelson panicked as he eyed Mark.

"Party Culture," Mark said.

They stumbled their way through, opening the door and locking it behind them. Only a few rested in the cold place, shivering and sneezing. People weren't just getting sick from ID, but from the cold.

"Nevaeh?" Nelson called, ambling around behind the counter.

"She went somewhere," someone called. "With a girl who seemed drunk."

"Preston and Mia," Nicole Anderson implied.

Mark knew Preston, but not Mia. Someone in his class in Ohio had been named Mia, but she transferred one year before him.

There had been banging on the door as Mark went to open it. Nevaeh stood there with Vince and a stumbling girl.

"You good, Nelson?" Nevaeh asked as she directed her attention to him.

"Burger King blew down," Nelson said.

"Did you blow on it?" Mia laughed, wearing a dazed smile. "My cheek still hurts. Is Emma awake? Wait, aren't you Jason's friend?"

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