8. Just Friends

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"If it makes you happy, then it is not a waste of time."


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You wipe your lips before picking up your chopsticks and digging up. "I did not know you already thought of Jennie as your girlfriend, huh." You tease and Jungkook frowns, nodding his head stiffly at the food with his knitted eyebrows, "I always had to use that excuse, or else they wouldn't stop pestering me." He answers, stretching his arms on the table and leaning back on the chair, "The food is quite good here anyways."

Slurping the ramen soup, you hum in response when Jungkook suddenly gets up from his chair and stops you, collecting your hair strands together, falling on your face, "Look at you being all clumsy again, God." He pushes them back as you take a long gulp sitting straight and noticing that they were about to slip into the soup.

"Aish, sorry." You take back your hair, tying them up in a messy bun as Jungkook sits back in his seat, casually looking at you tying your hair up. Noticing you.

You were about to die. Your cheeks were flushed crimson shade red and it was really embarrassing when he saw you get all awkward, inelegant, lazy and clumsy.

To be honest, Jennie suited him.

He sits straight and picks on his boiled egg before dropping it in your remaining ramen. "Eat that too, you need to eat well to stay healthy." He points out with a caring look and taps his chopsticks on your bowl, asking you to dig up, as you see him with your round eyes wondering how easy it was to fall in love with him.

How popular he was and how he simply decided to love you out of all the pretty girls who were dying to have him. Those ten years that you talked to each other were a big step towards growing your feeling for each other.

Deceiving him didn't feel right at all.

This was wrong. Not only for Jungkook but also for Jennie and she was naive to understand this, too naive. But what could you even do? Jennie has no idea about the bond you and Jungkook shared in those emails. She didn't know that Jungkook and you were slowly starting to feel something for each other even before meeting in person.

She didn't know that he was already in love with you.

Were you now supposed to tell her about this? After she fell for him? How could you be so irresponsible?

You wouldn't have come to this point if only you explained to Jennie about your feelings towards Jungkook before he came back from London. Nothing could've happened if you had a little more courage to confess to Jungkook that it was you who sent him the mail. That you were the one he fell in love with.

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