26. Falling All In You

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But you fit me better than my favourite sweater
- Lana Del Ray

But you fit me better than my favourite sweater- Lana Del Ray

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Insane how a few minutes or few words hold the power to revert a situation to completely a different one, cause you are right now calm. All the anxious thoughts vanish mid-air. As if they were so silly to even think about.

To think of it, you hadn't imagined Jungkook telling you he's only yours. You didn't even imagine him to be kiss-deprived either - but he's here with you, holding your hand in his with the fingers intertwined. His thumb doing a little stroke as he's speaking about his feelings for you.

No, you didn't ask for it but Jungkook knew you get anxious easily, worry and overthink. That is why he is saying things you'd never imagined to hear from him. Wanting you to know everything he's got to say.

That, how deeply he yearned for you. That, how in every happy moment he wished you were with him. How on sad days he wanted nothing but warm hugs from you. To touch you and get touched by you. How every romantic scene from any movie made him imagine the both of you.

How all the previous calendars were cut out, marked daily to solemnly reach the date he'd finally see you. How all those lonely nights he'd just dream about you hugging his pillow tight. Missing you so much. Craving for nothing but your presence.

How the glass of his computer has tortured him to get to you. How hard it was for him all those years to talk to you through a mere screen. That, It would torture him to not see your face and to let his imagination get the best of you.

He was terribly sorry for not recognising you at all and said he'd gladly take any punishment you give him, but no, you were at fault too and both of you were extremely sorry to each other for their doings.

You were surprised how he was coming out, how open he was talking about liking you and only you, the one whom he has talked to all these years. Perfectly made sure to remove all your doubts. Like, poof, non-existent.

Confessed, he wanted only you by his side, and how he has forgiven you because his love for you was far more powerful than the betrayal he felt.

Because he knew, somehow he did know it was you but as said, there were no living proofs and he was simply going insane because he thought it was simply because he interacted intimately with only you these past days.

Assuming that it was just his body stimulating these responses. But no it was much more than that, so, so much more than those touches that he wanted to ignore each thought related to you, it was driving him crazy.

But at last, you were here, right in front of him almost ready to faint because this was a lot to take. It was gushing out to you like a waterfall and you were drenching hard. Wanted nothing but to halt the time with just him and you against the world.

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