41. Sunshine & Beaches

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"How do I say I miss you
in a way that will make your heart ache
as mine does?"

"How do I say I miss you in a way that will make your heart ache as mine does?"

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"And why did he even sleep here?" Jungkook raises a question, not being able to get the point about this whole situation going on. "He's a stranger, J. How come this was allowed?"

He's right now ranting to Jennie about the new guy staying over. Got his palms slapping the table they were sitting on. Totally irritated. Can't believe your mom would allow this.

"He's not. We were childhood friends." Jennie replies, picking up a chip from the packet and taking a bite of it. "Besides, he's gonna go back soon. Got his flight in a few days." She reasons for him. Leans back against her chair and looks out at the window least bothered.

"Childhood friends? Since when?" Well, Jungkook is bothered though. Since last night. Couldn't even sleep. The news got him good. Like, why and how? Had so many questions that he woke up finding Jennie for answers. Knew she was the only one who could hear him out.

Jennie chews the chips. Spares him a look. "Why are you so worked up? He's a nice guy, you know. Don't worry about it." She tries to calm him down, but Jungkook throws his head back and groans.

"No, it's just..." he thinks further to form words. "Because..." he continues and Jennie stares at him. Feels like Jungkook is closer to you than she thought he was. It doesn't bother her though, but he has been too invested in this since yesterday.

If he was, then why would he even leave and go?

"Where'd you go yesterday?" She asks casually, rambling her fingers under the chips packet.

"Hm?" Jungkook sits straight and looks at her. "Oh, right." He lazily blinks and nods. "One of my friends from London came here to visit her family. I went for dinner with them."

"Dinner?" Her eyebrows raised. "Her? A girl?" she asks surprised and Jungkook nods as if it wasn't a big deal, "Yeah, my senior." Don't wanna go into details. Going into details meant he had to explain how he knew her, which would come to the point about his weekend job - which she didn't know.

Has to explain that too and all from the start. Which also would include why he was doing it, anyway. Concluding to everything coming back to you because indeed it was for you. All of it.

"—Anyway, um." Jungkook steals the packet from Jennie and digs his hand to pick out a dozen chips, "Mom said, we're gonna head for the beach. We should get ready." He stuffs them in his mouth and stands up to take his leave.

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