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Chapter 14

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I drifted through the trees as I made my way back to the Stronghold. Nearby, a deer was drinking from a stream and lifted its head to sniff the air. With a snort and an alarm stomp, it bounded away. My instincts shifted with interest, but I'd already hunted, so they didn't object too strongly when I ignored the fleeing doe.

The guards were far more laid-back than the deer and completely unaware of what had been circling their Stronghold throughout most of the night. The teams currently on watch would be getting tired and thinking about sleep as the stars faded with the coming dawn.

After ensuring none of them were looking in this direction, I scaled the fence and dropped to the ground without disturbing a single bell on top. I retreated to the side of a garage, and as I usually did, I watched the guards to make sure neither they, nor anyone else, had noticed me.

No people craned their heads or peered in this direction, so after a few minutes, I felt safe to return to the suite. Since many buildings had solar lights illuminating the walls, I figured it would be safer to leisurely stroll down the road than to potentially be seen skulking around.

I kept to the paths with the fewest lights as I made my way back. I rounded a building and narrowed my eyes as I saw a couple of people walking in my direction. One must have noticed me since he raised his flashlight. I shaded my eyes, mostly because the bright light bothered them, but also to keep them from seeing my sunglasses.

"Who are you?" a man asked suspiciously. It wasn't every day you found a stranger wandering around at night.

"One of the visitors from Ironwind Stronghold," I replied. "We're staying in the room at the end of that building." I pointed at it with my other hand. In a semi-annoyed tone, I added, "Can you lower that light so you stop blinding me?"

He moved the light to my feet, although he didn't look happy about it. "Why are you out here?"

I played it cool. "I couldn't sleep, so I decided to walk down the street and back. Some of my companions aren't the most pleasant if you wake them up early."

"You should head back there. Most places don't take too kindly to people wandering around and snooping at night."

"I wasn't snooping – I even kept to the middle of the road in case anyone was watching," I retorted. "But I was heading back anyway."

"We'll make sure you get there," the other man said firmly. He was carrying a rifle, so he had probably been on his way to the guard tower for a shift swap.

"Suit yourselves." It was hard to keep my tone level and halfway bored, but if I let my irritation show, it would only rouse their suspicions and make them harder to deal with.

They walked beside me as we headed to the building. The man occasionally swung his flashlight in front of my feet as if making sure I didn't trip or stumble over the flat road.

"What's on the ground over there?" one of them asked, peering through the darkness as something glinted in the light.

His friend went to investigate and picked up the animal-alteration instrument. "It's a castration tool. But what's it doing out here?"

They glanced at me in confusion, as if wondering if I knew the answer.

I shrugged. "Don't ask me. Like I said, I didn't touch anything. I just went out for some fresh air."

The guy shook his head. "Well, I'll give it to Andy. He can put it away before he goes inside. You're in that room?"

"Yes." I walked to the door and went inside without waiting for them to say anything else. It seemed like the easiest way to get away from them and end this conversation.

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