The Elder's Return

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Jacob didn't speak to me after that moment in the forest. I didn't know what was going on with him all I could do was presume it was the after effects of my wolf dying. I know many people would think I am heartless in allowing my wolf to die but I couldn't fulfil her wishes, it was selfish what she was asking me to do, to bond myself with someone who had betrayed us in every sense. There were no parting words, no goodbye's between me and my wolf. From my perspective I had accepted and mourned her loss eight years ago. She didn't come back for me, she came back for the mate who couldn't see our worth. I knew I deserved better than what Jacob was offering me. 

Some people might feel broken without their wolf but for me, I didn't feel upset or hurt or pain. There was this sense of relief that settled within me. For truth be told, I was no longer hiding or running from a past that could catch up to me. I had faced my demons head on, they were no longer hanging over my shoulder. The minute my wolf left me I felt the sparks disappear, I felt the remnants of my bond with Jacob snap and I heard Jacob let out a gut-wrenching sob. 

It wasn't before long that he left me in the clearing where it all begun. It was that moment that I reflected on my life. My whole family were imprisoned, Jacob was no longer my mate, Benji was now a mate of a Beta, my wolf was no more. I felt like I was back to square one, alone. The only difference was that rather than a decision being enforced on me, I was the one that chose this path. I truly had freedom. 

It was now mid-day and I knew the elders would be back at the pack house. I knew they would want to speak with myself and Jacob before they gave him his sentence. I pushed my face to the sun and took a deep breath in and exhaled deeply. The warmth radiated on my skin as the sun softly touched my surface. No longer did I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders, the connection to the pack was no more.I stood up and made my way to the pack house and scouted out the Alpha's office. No longer did I smell Jacob's scent lingering on pack surfaces, no more was my senses heightened. I was truly human. 

Elder Reece and Elder Roberts were in the pack lounge where they were stood with Jacob. Before Jacob looked tall and confident, whereas now he was disheveled and defeated. Huge brown circles were underneath his eyes. His skin was a pale sickly colour as the corner of his lips curved down. Both Elder's had a solemn look on their faces as they conversed with Jacob and as they looked in my direction, all three men looked at me sadly. I took a deep breath and made way to their direction. 

"Good Afternoon gentlemen." I greeted with a small bow. 

"Loretta, we were just speaking with Jacob. Would you mind if we speak to you on your own before we gather the pack?" Elder Robert asked. 

"I am fine with that Elders." I gave them a curt nod. 

"Jacob do you mind if we use your office?" Elder Reece questioned. 

"Not at all." He said in a lifeless tone as he gestured to the direction of his office. Both Elder's gave him a tight nod. Jacob made his way out of the pack house, in the opposite direction of his office. While I simply followed on behind both Elders. 

It wasn't before long that all three of us were sat in the Alpha's office. I made my way to one of the unoccupied seats opposite both Elders. Elder Robert looked troubled, while Elder Reece held a poker face. No longer could I sense overwhelmed emotions, I had to solely rely on my own skills that I had developed over the years. Even though my wolf had disappeared I still had some enhanced abilities. 

"How may I help you?" I questioned. 

Elder Reece let out a long sigh and sat back in the office chair that was placed behind Alpha Jacob's desk, he ran his fingers along the wood and gently tapped the desk. "We spoke with Jacob. He told us that your wolf is no more." He stated bluntly. 

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