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One Year Later...

I never thought that I would be excited to return to a place that I once hated, but for the first time I was excited to be back at the Redbridge pack. I was minutes away and running late. I knew this day would come, but I never expected it to be so soon. I clasped the piece of card in my hand. It was dainty, elegant and timeless all at the same time. 

My brother was finally marrying the love of his life, his mate, his partner in crime. I knew that Benji would be having a fit because I was late but alas traffic and flight delays was not something I was expecting to encounter. For this Saturday, Benji being human wanted to hold a marriage ceremony. I had been helping from afar, getting vendors for his big day. I didn't want him to stress but equally I wanted to give him the day of his dreams. 

A lot has changed in the last year. My business succeeded beyond measures, I became a fortune 500 company, I was still the most eligible bachelorette of New York City. Many had tried to capture my heart only to fail, but unlike the last time I didn't hold back. No longer was I hiding away behind mountains of work, I became bold and I took a long deserved break. I travelled the world, I spent months in Europe, sightseeing and experiencing different cultures. I visited all the places my heart desires. 

No longer did I look at people in love and snuff my nose at them. For when I looked at couples, I would appreciate the fondness that lingered in their gaze, the nervousness of a date or proposal. I smiled at people's happiness. For the first time ever, my heart was at ease. No longer did I feel the burden of a mate, holding me back. Even though I hadn't found my special someone, I was no longer hopeless. Even though I was single, I created my own happiness. I created good memories. No longer did I hold back when I met new people, I became confident in a new sense. 

I didn't break my promise to Benji either, we spoke everyday. He would joke with me that I was making my own eat, pray, love journey while he kept me up to date with business. He opened an office near the Redbridge Pack and liaised with the Elders. The programme that they developed had been successfully rolled out to over thirty packs. It was a success and I knew that Benji was capable of running it. There were times he would call and seek advice but generally he ran the project on his own and I couldn't be prouder. 

Even though it was Benji's Wedding none of his biological family were attending. Benji had tried to reach out and build bridges but they could not accept his lifestyle chlives. I knew Lewis was worried about how he would take their rejection, but Benji simply shrugged it off. He said he had all the family that was important to him. He had built a home with Lewis and in all my years of knowing him, he never looked happier. 

My taxi had pulled up at the Redbridge pack and in the last year so much as changed. The grass is certainly greener this time round. The flowers were blooming, the sun was shining in the sky. The houses were no longer derelict or decrepit, they had been restored to their former glory. There stood in front of the Redbridge Hall was Tyler, he was pacing backwards and forwards, running a hand through his auburn hair. I pulled the door open and strutted out in my tailored suit which. 

I was Benji's 'Best Man' and I was also walking him down the aisle. My outfit was designer and the suit was tailored to my feminine curves. My hair was pushed back in a high ponytail and my black Louboutins gave me the height I needed to confidently walk my brother down the aisle. It was then that Tyler's eyes widened as he saw me. 

"Your late." He taunted as he pursed his lips. "My mate and Benji have been going nuts thinking you weren't going to make it in time." He shook his head. 

I let out a loud laugh. "Traffic and flights were not in my favour, but nothing could stop me from getting here on time." 

"Well Benji is coming down now. Lewis is already at the Altar. I will see you there." Tyler gave me a quick hug and made his way into the hall. 

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