Part 14 | Problems

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"You have some explaining to do missy."

Tony sat across from you, arms crossed.

"About wha- oh, right."

Everyone turned to look at you curiously as you settled into the couch beside Loki.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Sam asked, you shrugging in answer.

"Well I haven't fulfilled the prophecy, so I didn't see the need to bother you with it" you replied casually.

"Well that was stupid."

"She is not stupid" Loki interjected in annoyance.

You put a hand on his shoulder, the God looking over at you "It's fine Lokes, it was kind of stupid."

"No it wasn't" he denied, wrapping an arm around around your waist and turning back to Tony.

"Anyway, I'm part of the Emerald Sorceress prophecy" you began.

"On (your birthday), there were two females born who both part elf, possess magic and who's Mothers would pass away at the age of 104" You explained, pausing for a moment. "No one told us about the it that until after our Mother's died on the same day" you said quietly, Loki hugged you tighter. "Myself and another girl called Alig. The prophecy says that one of these two girls would become the 'Emerald Sorceress'."

"Which is?" Pietro asked.

"Shush Speedy, I'm getting to that. The Emerald Sorceress is the one who proves to be worthy of the power. To fulfil the prophecy you must find out your true heritage. One of our Mothers was someone of importance, and that is the girl who gets the power. It will all be explained when I find out who my Mother really was" you finish. The others all looked surprised.

"And you thought it was a good idea to keep this from us?"

"Shut up Stark!"


"Come y/n get up."

"What? Why?"

Wanda and Nat were standing in front of you, excited looks on their faces.

"Tony said that the Stark party is next week, so we need to go dress shopping. So we've decided to make it into a girls day!" Nat said, clapping her hands together.

"Oh no!" You groaned, sinking down into your armchair. The girls pouted.

"Oh come on n/n we're not that bad!" Wanda sulked.

"That's not the problem!"

"Then what is?"

"I hate dress shopping!" You sulked. They laughed.

"Come on it'll be fun! Let's go" Nat said, grabbing your arm and pulling you up off the chair. You sighed, shimmering yourself into some shopping clothes.

"Let me go say goodbye to Loki" you said.

"I'll come, I've got to say bye to Vision" Wanda said, following after you.

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