Part 28 | Tonight

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*3 months later*


The team looked up as you sprinted through the living room holding Bucky's metal arm. You laughed as you ran flat out for the couch in front of you, Nat and Clint sitting on it. They ducked as you leapt straight over the top and kept going.

Bucky burst through the door, looking frantically around the room.

"Loki where is your girlfriend" he huffed. Loki just shrugged innocently.

"Guys is he- oh shit" you said, peeking through the door before sprinting away, laughing.

"Y/N!" Bucky shouted, running after you.

"You had to pick the most problematic girlfriend you could find" Wanda mused, looking over at the God.

"I like to refer to it as entertainment" you said, popping up behind Loki.

"Hello darling" he said, looking back at you. You kissed him quickly before teleporting away again.

"Did you really think the God of Mischief would marry someone boring?" Thor questioned. The others gasped. Loki hid his now red face behind his book.

"Loki!" Nat whisper shouted, running over and hugging him tight.

"When are you going to ask her??" Clint and Pietro asked, ecstatic as they and Nat jumped up and down hysterically.

"Tonight" he said quietly, smiling. Thor was beaming.

"Oh my goodness" Steve said, grinning at Loki.

"Congratulations Loki" Tony said with a smile.

"Thank you" he said, looking slightly worried. "Do you think she'll say yes?"

"Obviously" they all said at the same time.

"Can I babysit?" Wanda squealed.

Loki choked on his tea. "What?" he sputtered.

"Can I??" she pleaded, doing puppy-dog eyes.

"She's not pregnant Wanda" he replied, looking confused.

She rolled her eyes. "Well not now, but in the future" she said in a 'duh' voice.

"What makes you think that will ever happen?" Loki asked, raising his brows.

"I just know it" she said happily. Loki sighed.

"Would a mini-Loki really be a great idea? They might burn everything" Sam said with a grin.

"And I'd help" Loki answered with a smirk.

You came sprinting back through the room, running into the kitchen.

"Bucky I'll kill you if you hurt her" Loki called out as the soldier chased you around in circles.

"I'd be more worried about her hurting him" Vision commented, smiling.

"Fair point" the god answered with a grin.

You finally gave the arm back to him. He clipped it back on, rolling his eyes before ruffling your hair.

"Excuse me, my hair is not to be messed with" you huffed, sitting down beside Loki. He started braiding it gently.

"You let Loki do it" Bucky replied.

"He's my boyfriend, he can do anything. Plus it always looks amazing, not messy."

Wanda and Nat smiled slightly as you said boyfriend.

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