Part 50 | A Chance

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After a few hours of tinkering, the scientist had figured out how to reverse the machine and send all the varients home.

However, he made sure to keep a manual on how he made it, just in case they ever wanted to bring them back.

"It was a pleasure to meet you" Thomas Sharpe smiled, giving you all a small wave.

"Can we come back to see you?" Edith asked eagerly.

Surprisingly, the young woman had gotten on quite well with Nat, the red head teaching her some quick self defence skills in case Lucille decided to bother them.

"Please do" the assassin grinned.

"Here" you commented, passing each pair a piece of yellowed parchment (Like the ones used in 'Doubt It'.) "These are enchanted to mirror each other, so anything you wrote on there will appear one everyone else's. If you want come here, just write something and sign your name."

"Incredible" Thomas murmured, turning it over in his hands as Adam, Tom and James put it carefully away. "Are you sure it will work in a ther realites?"

"84% sure."

"Specific" Adam snickered. "Farewell zombies."

"Adam" Eve scolded lightly. "It was lovely to meet you all, I hope to come back soon."

"Same here" Conrad nodded, Mason still running around taking photos of everyone.

"Best day of my life" Tom grinned. "I never thought I'd meet you all, unless I'm dreaming?"

"Maybe you are" you said spookily, waving your fingers and shooting a cloud of sparkles at him.

"Shush darling" Loki chuckled, putting a hand over your mouth. "Thank you for visiting, even it was unwillingly."

"This was incredible" Mason grinned as Bruce powered up the machine. "See you later everyone."

You all waved the group off as they stepped inside the glowing light, disappearing with a flash.

"Seems you're broody in at least one other reality" you teased, smirking at the God.

"Oh shush" he grumbled, kissing your temple.


"Good morning!" Wanda chirped, flipping pancakes as you trudged into the kitchen.

"Morning" you mumbled back sleepily.

"How are you?"

"Tired, hungry, grumpy" you sighed, Loki walking in behind you.

"Still sulking love?" He chuckled, kissing your cheek.

"Tread carefully Laufeyson" you grumbled, flopping onto a couch beside Bucky. "Morning gay man."

"Morning shortass elf."


Tony wandered into the room, looking slightly grim. "Morning Y/, can I talk you for a moment?"

"I'm listening" you replied tiredly, rolling over and hiding your face in Loki's side as he sat down beside you.

"I talked to Peter."

"I forgot about that little shit."

"I didn't" Loki muttered angrily, fiddling with your hair.

"It's okay Lokes. What happened Stark?"

The billionaire sighed. "He wants to come back to the team."

The teen had been grounded by his Aunt for a few months, being watched carefully by Tony even though you told him to drop it.

"Not happening" Nat snapped, flipping her gun threateningly as Sam watched longingly.

"We could give him a chance" Vision suggested.

"Listen here robot, that pre-pubescent mortal kidnapped and rugged my wife all while threading her" Loki almost snarled, glaring at him. "We are not bringing him back unless you want me to gut him."

"Loki" you warned, pulling yourself up with a groan. "Damn it's too early for this."

"We should talk about this when you wake up" Tony sighed.

"I am awake! And I say bring the kid back, give him another shot. There's no way he can jump me like that again."

"Absolutely not!" Loki snapped.

"I guess we can" Steve murmured thoughtfully.

With a huff of irritation, Loki teleported away, leaving you to slump onto the couch.

"Are you sure?" Tony asked carefully. "You are not awake enough."

"I am very awake" you declared, getting up with a groan. "Bring the kid back, if he makes any move towards me Loki will throw him off the tower roof. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go deal with an angry God at 8 in the morning."

"Men are scary" Bucky whisper shouted as you teleported up to the library.

Wandering through the shelves to the back corner, you spotted the grumpy looking god flicking through a large book.


"He tried to kill you."

"Over-reaction" you corrected, sitting beside him and reaching up to wrap an arm around his shoulders. "Shit you're tall."

"I noticed."

"Sorry, not the point. If it makes you feel better, you can be on scary God duty for as long as you want?"

"Deal" he sighed, tucking you into his side. "Sorry love, I don't trust the child."

"You don't have to, just please don't stab him. Let's just see how this goes."




Hereth be a chapter

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