Chapter 15

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Phoebe Tonkin (Scarlett)----------->

"What does the rogue pack want with me?" That's the first thing I ask Preston when I see him. 

We decided to go to the public library today. The coffee shop has been great but a change of scenery was very much needed. Preston chuckles lightly after setting his things down on the table. The library was empty the only other person around was the librarian.  

"Starting so soon? A guy can't at least sit down first?" He teases me as he sits across from me.  

I give him a small embarrassed smile. "I'm sorry but I was just thinking about the first rogue attack the other night." I say. 

"Really?" He asks surprised. 

"Yeah, I don't know why. But I was thinking about it, plus with seeing Scott yesterday like that..." I grimace at the thought of seeing my best friend naked. Ugh, never want to see that again! Ever! 

He thinks about it before sighing. "I don't know yet. We have two of the rogues captured and are holding them right now. They were sent to get information on you." He admits. 

I swallow at this. Sasha had confirmed that they had been looking for me when I told her about the vision, but to ask Preston more about it. I haven't gotten the guts to ask him about it until today. 

"So you don't know at all?" I bite my lip as he shakes his head no. 

"I have more information on them, but she was as clueless about it as Gavin was." He said bitterly.  

"Can I ask you something?" I ask. 

"You sure can." 

"Why did I have that vision?" I blurt out. I remember everything clearly still, the way I felt, what I saw and heard. My curiosity couldn't be tamed any longer; I had to know these things. 

He hesitates at this, looking at me with calculating eyes, as if debating on something. I just wait patiently for him to answer. He leans back in his chair, running one hand into his hair. 

"I want to tell you, I do, but I don't think you're ready." He finally says. 

Cocking my head to the side I look at him in confusion. "What do you mean by that?" 

He sighs, rubbing his eyes gently. "I mean exactly that, I'm not sure you're ready to hear about it. Not yet at least, I don't want to freak you out."  

I huff at this, the one thing that has been bothering me the most and he can't tell me about it. Instead of thinking about it I switch tactics and ask the other thing that has been bothering me. 

"Do you have a mate?"  

He chokes on air, his blue eyes widening in surprise. I giggle at his expression as he tries to compose himself. Clearing his throat a couple of times before answering. 

"Yes, I do." His voice is low and he's staring at me intently, watching for my reaction.  

I feel myself deflate at this. I knew I didn't stand a chance with him, wait did I even want a chance with him? I'm not sure, a part of me does. I feel so drawn to him, so close to him. But I can't have that, not after what happened to me, not when he has a mate out there. Keeping my face composed I gave him a small smile. 

"Where is she?" I ask. "What's she like?" I try to keep my mind off of what she looks like. She must be drop dead gorgeous, as handsome as he is.... 

He chuckles lowly, looking at me as if he knows what I'm thinking; like he knows something I don't know. This makes me blush at his sly smile. 

"She's complicated." Is all he says on the matter.  

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